
cài xì
  • Cuisine;style of cooking
菜系[cài xì]
  1. 从菜系的竞争看,赣菜兴起内在的契机是经济实力增强下的饮食文化繁荣,外在的原因是本地餐饮企业的一致对外。

    By the look of competition of the style of cooking , Gan dish can rapidly emerges , the intrinsic reason is that economic development enhances diet culture , and the external causes are local catering enterprises unanimously .

  2. 意大利菜以辛辣菜系最为出名。

    Italian cooking is best known for savoury dishes .

  3. 而且就像其它移动应用一样,Alfred可以确定用户的地理位置,并能让用户根据价格和菜系对餐厅进行筛选。

    And as with other mobile apps , it can figure out where you are and allows you to filter by price or cuisine .

  4. 四川菜系以其香辣而闻名,味道多变,着重使用红辣椒,搭配使用青椒和pricklyash,产生出经典的刺激的味道。

    Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor , Sichuan cuisine , prolific of tastes , emphasizes on the use of chili . Pepper and prickly ash also never fail to accompany , producing typical exciting tastes .

  5. 我国的饮食文化源远流长,如果能更好地与sousvide产品结合起来,必然会使中国菜系发扬光大,进而形成工业化生产,有着广阔的前景

    If the food culture in our country with a long history can be combined with sous vide products , it is certain to glorify chinese dishes , then industrialize it . KEY WORD

  6. 粤菜是中国有特色的菜系之一。

    Yue cuisine is one of the most famous in China .

  7. 粤菜是中国八大菜系之一。

    Cantonese Cuisine is one of the Eight Great Cuisines inChina .

  8. 四川菜系和其他菜系在味道上有区别吧?

    Is it true Sichuan food is quite different from others ?

  9. 汤姆:嗯,中国菜包括八大菜系。

    Tom : Well , there are eight different Chinese cuisines .

  10. 淮扬菜系是我国烹饪行业的一支重要流派。

    Huai-Yang cuisine is an important cuisine style in China .

  11. 河北菜系是典型的面类、羊肉类和豆类食品。

    Hebei cuisine is typically based on wheat , mutton and beans .

  12. 红辣椒,青辣椒和青葱在这一菜系中的必备品。

    Chili , pepper and shallot are usually necessaries in this division .

  13. 恩,那个餐厅做的是什么菜系?

    Mandy : What kind of food do they serve ?

  14. 可以和从烤肉野餐等到高档餐宴菜系相配。

    An all around favorite , from barbeques to sophisticated dinner parties .

  15. 淮杨菜可是中国四大菜系之一。

    Huaiyang is one of China 's four major cuisines .

  16. 中国菜划分成八大菜系。

    Chinese food is divided into eight big cuisine .

  17. 满清菜系通常包括蔬菜盘、、豆腐和鱼。

    Mandarin-style meals usually include vegetable dishes , soups , tofu and fish .

  18. 因此海鲜是山东菜系的主要构成。

    As a result , seafood is a major component of Shandong cuisine .

  19. 加泰罗尼亚菜肴根植于腓尼基、希腊和罗马菜系。

    Catalonian dishes are deeply rooted in Phoenician , Greek and Roman cuisine .

  20. 和意大利一样,泰国有很多地方菜系。

    Thailand , like Italy , is a country of many regional cuisines .

  21. 徽菜是中国传统的八大菜系之一。

    Anhui cuisine is one of the eight great traditions of Chinese cuisine .

  22. 滇菜集中国汉族和少数民族菜系精华于一体。

    Yunnan cuisine is a combination of Han Chinese and Chinese minority cuisines .

  23. 山东菜系注重汤品。

    Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes .

  24. 中西融合的美味菜系,口味独特的火鸡香锅!

    Integration of chinese and western tastes delicious dishes of sweet pan turkey !

  25. 再给我讲讲这些菜系的情况。

    Tell me something more about these cuisines .

  26. 一个传统的欧式菜系的西餐厅,环境优雅而宁静。

    Western restaurant with traditional European cuisine set in an elegant but quiet surrounding .

  27. 中国主要有八大菜系。

    There are mainly eight famous Chinese cuisines .

  28. 能告诉我你们这里供应哪些中餐菜系的菜吗?

    Could you tell me what different kinds of Chinese cuisines you serve here ?

  29. 中国菜系完全将颜色、形状、外观和味道融合为一体。

    The Chinese cuisine is perfect fusion of color , shape , apperance and flavor .

  30. 小麦加工成的面制品也是北方菜系的重要部分。

    Wheat , processed into pasta , also plays an important role in Northern cooking ;