
fēi ní kè sī
  • Phoenix
  1. 华金•菲尼克斯(JoaquinPhoenix)扮演的男主角是个令人心酸的孤独小伙子,他爱上了自己智能手机的新操作系统。

    Joaquin Phoenix is the poignantly lonely guy who falls in love with his smartphone 's new operating system .

  2. 菲尼克斯(Phoenix)、拉斯维加斯(LasVegas)和迈阿密戴德县(MiamiDadeCounty)等地的房价每月同比涨幅超过20%,但把这些花哨的数字抛在脑后吧。

    Forget the gaudy year-over-year monthly price jumps of over 20 % reported by the likes of Phoenix , Las Vegas , and Miami Dade County .

  3. 库里写道:2009年NBA选秀之后的3个月,菲尼克斯太阳的总经理恭喜我成功地踏入联盟。

    Curry wrote : This was taken about 3 months after the 2009 @ nba draft .... then Phoenix Suns GM congratulating me on making it tothe league .

  4. 我上一次见到Gigi,他们正在菲尼克斯观看一场锦标赛。

    The last time I saw Gigi , they were in Phoenix for a big AU tournament .

  5. 随着基里巴斯的独立,美国放弃了人烟罕至的菲尼克斯群岛(phoenixislands)和除其他三个沿线岛屿的认领权,这些岛屿后来成为了基里巴斯的领土。

    With independence , the United States relinquished all claims to the sparsely inhabited Phoenix Islands and all but three of the Line Islands , which became part of Kiribati territory .

  6. 介绍了菲尼克斯电气(PHOENIX)模拟量输入IBILAI8/SF-PAC模块的功能,通过实例分析,阐述了PHOENIX的模拟量输入模块在本次项目中的成功应用。

    This paper introduces the function of the PHOENIX analog input module ( IB IL_AI_8 / SF-PAC ), with the analysis of example , explained the application of PHOENIX analog input module in the project .

  7. 在2009年菲尼克斯全明星赛中两人共享MVP殊荣后,两人紧张的关系就显示出缓和的迹象。

    There 's been a lot of making up in the years since this breakup , starting when they shared MVP honors at the 2009 All-Star Game in Phoenix .

  8. 基德为NBA的很多球队效力过,两次为达拉斯效力,以及菲尼克斯,新泽西和纽约,但是在网队效力的期间见证了他成为联盟的超级巨星。

    Kidd had plenty of stops in the NBA , playing for Dallas twice , Phoenix , New Jersey and New York , but it 's time with the Nets that saw him emerge as a league superstar .

  9. 2010年,曾为明尼苏达森林狼队、新泽西网队、菲尼克斯太阳队、纽约尼克斯队和波士顿凯尔特人队效力的马布里结束了在NBA的征战,去中国重新开始。

    In 2010 , Mr. Marbury , who had played for the Minnesota Timberwolves , New Jersey Nets , Phoenix Suns , New York Knicks and Boston Celtics , wrapped up his N.B.A. years and went to China to start anew .

  10. 根据BPI指数,菲尼克斯太阳队(预计获得17.5个胜场),纽约尼克斯队(预计获得18.6个胜场)以及克利夫兰骑士队(预计获得19.3个胜场)抽取前三顺位的可能性最大,并且有同等几率得到威廉森。

    The Phoenix Suns ( 17.5 projected wins ) , New York Knicks ( 18.6 ) and Cleveland Cavaliers ( 19.3 ) have a decent lead on earning those coveted top-three spots and an equal chance at Williamson , per BPI .

  11. 根据CoreLogic的分析,截至2013年第二季度,菲尼克斯、拉斯维加斯和迈阿密的房价仍较它们令人目眩的价格峰值分别低39.9%、50.2%和42%。

    According to a CoreLogic analysis , Phoenix , Las Vegas , and Miami were , as of the second quarter , still 39.9 % , 50.2 % , and 42 % , respectively , below their vertiginous price peaks .

  12. 她是准备去菲尼克斯和表兄住。

    She was planning on living with our cousins in phoenix .

  13. 菲尼克斯有人邀请我去,生活真好。

    I have an offer in phoenix . life 's good .

  14. 我要去菲尼克斯和我妈妈一起住了。

    I 'm going to Phoenix to live with my mother .

  15. laurance--下到我们到菲尼克斯就算了。

    laurance -- We can play till we get to Phoenix .

  16. 我们从菲尼克斯飞过来跟你协商。

    We fly here personally last night from Phoenix to speak toyou .

  17. 湖人队在10月31日,新赛季开幕战将迎战菲尼克斯太阳队。

    The Lakers open the season Oct. 31 against the Phoenix Suns .

  18. 我是菲尼克斯。我们靠岸了。

    This is phoenix . we 've reached the perimeter .

  19. 菲尼克斯,你正站在她边上。

    Phoenix , you 're standing right next to her .

  20. 但是新奥尔良黄蜂与菲尼克斯太阳的比赛才是那晚最精彩的。

    But New Orleans in Phoenix was the game of the night .

  21. 我妈妈在生我以前住在菲尼克斯。

    My mom used to live in Phoenix before I was born .

  22. 准备好中心的直升机,马上从菲尼克斯起飞。

    And get the centre helicopter ready for immediate takeoff from phoenix .

  23. laurance--我们还有多久到达菲尼克斯?

    laurance -- How long before we get to Phoenix ?

  24. 好吧,我要打电话给菲尼克斯城长官。

    Okay , I 'm gonna call Phoenix general .

  25. 菲尼克斯警方正在寻找四名嫌疑犯。

    Phoenix police are now looking for four suspects .

  26. 如果你想在天黑前赶到菲尼克斯,你们得赶快走了。

    You better get going ifyou 're gonna get to Phoenix before dark .

  27. 我们在菲尼克斯的朋友安排他们的活动以符合我们的需求。

    Our friends in Phoenix schedule their activities to coincide with our requirements .

  28. 她在菲尼克斯的时候就怀上了亨利

    She had henry while she was in phoenix ?

  29. 我是位于美国菲尼克斯和亚利桑那州的手表批发商。

    I am in the wholesale watch supply business located in Phoenix , Arizona .

  30. 发展最快但受空气污浊之困的菲尼克斯,计划拿建筑工地开刀。

    Fast-growing Phoenix , beset by dirty air , targets construction in cleanup plan .