
  • 网络extraction system;APDC-MIBK
  1. 本文测定了以4-叔丁基苯并-15-冠-5作络合剂的H2O/C6H51双液萃取体系分离锂同位素的若干参数。

    Some parameters have been determined for lithium isotope separation in the liquid-liquid extraction system H2O / C6H5I , using 4-tert-butyl-benzo-15-crown-5 as complexing agent .

  2. 新型规整填料(FG型)用于低界面张力萃取体系的研究

    A study on performance of new type ( fg ) stack packing column for extraction system with low interfacial tension

  3. 萃取体系反向胶束和W/O微乳液的形成

    Formation of reversed micelles and w / o microemulsions in extraction systems

  4. A及AB类萃取体系中稀释剂效应的研究

    Effect of organic diluent on extraction with A and AB system

  5. 钯(II)碘络合物在丙醇-硫酸铵双水相萃取体系中的分配行为及在钯测定中的应用(英文)

    Distribution Behaviors of Pd ( II ) in PrOH - ( NH_4 ) SO_4 Aqueous Biphasic System and Its Application in Determination of Pd ( II )

  6. 萃取体系二相界面荷电物质传输的电化学研究&Ⅰ.邻菲咯啉体系中Ni(Ⅱ)、Co(Ⅱ)相转移的电化学性质

    An Electrochemical Study on Transfer of Charged Species across Interface of Two Phases in Extraction Systems ⅰ . Electrochemical Characteristics of Phase-Transfer of Nickel (ⅱ) and Cobalt (ⅱ) in 1 , 10-Phenanthroline Systems

  7. 以APDCMIBK为萃取体系,在pH为4.5的缓冲溶液中萃取测定铬(Ⅵ),以差减法求铬(Ⅲ)。

    Cr (ⅵ) was extracted and measured from pH4.5 buffer solution with APDC_MIBK extraction system . Cr (ⅲ) was calculated by subtraction method .

  8. 三辛基氧膦(TOPO)组成协同萃取体系,对碱性氰化浸金贵液中金(I)协同萃取和反萃进行了研究。

    This paper aims to extraction and stripping of gold ( I ) from alkaline cyanide leaching solution by the N235-TOPO co-extraction system .

  9. 液-液萃取体系界面特性的研究&Ⅱ.HEH(EHP)在水和不同稀释剂体系中的界面性质

    Studies on the interfacial properties of liquid-liquid extraction ⅱ . interfacial properties of heh ( ehp ) in water-diluent system

  10. 萃取体系的热力学研究(Ⅰ)&磷-32标记TBP分配法测定TBP-惰性溶剂二元体系的活度系数

    Thermodynamic investigation of the extraction system (ⅰ) & determination of the activity coefficients of binary systems of tbp-diluent by ~ ( 32 ) p-labeled TBP distribution method

  11. 在实验条件下,环烷酸P350和环烷酸TBP萃取体系的正协萃或负协萃效应都不太显著。

    Under these experimental conditions , the positive and negative synergistic effects in all naphthenic acid P350 and naphthenic acid TBP extraction systems are not so notable .

  12. 通过小型试验、台架试验和扩大试验,筛选出混合萃取体系的最佳组成,同时确定了以黄饼为原料制备核电级U3O8的工艺流程和工艺参数。

    By bench scale test , pilot test and expanding test , optimum proportion of various constituents in the mixed extractant , and process flow and process parameters for preparing nuclear power level U_3O_8 using yellow cake as raw material is determined .

  13. 这是一种新的非有机溶剂液-固萃取体系。

    This is a new liquid-solid extraction system without organic solvents .

  14. 有机磷一元酸溶剂萃取体系中的反胶束和微乳液

    Reversed Micelles and Microemulsion in Organophosphorus Monobasic Acid Solvent Extraction Systems

  15. 新协同萃取体系的动力学研究

    Research for kinetics of aluminum extraction by a new synergistic system

  16. 吐温60-盐-水溶性螯合剂液-固萃取体系

    Investigation of the Liquid-Solid Extraction System of Tween 60-Salt - Water

  17. 非有机溶剂液-固萃取体系提取血红蛋白研究

    A Study of Abstraction of Hemoglobin by Non-organic Solvent Liquid-solid Extraction System

  18. PEG2000-盐-水非有机溶剂液-固萃取体系

    Liquid-solid extraction system of PEG 2000-salt-H_2O without usual organic solvents

  19. 环烷酸萃取体系分离稀土和铝的研究

    Studies on Separation Rare Earth from Aluminum in Naphthenic Acid Extraction Systems

  20. 介绍了标准萃取体系和络合萃取原理。

    Standard extraction systems and complex extraction theory were consulted .

  21. 有机磷酸混合萃取体系的界面化学及动力学控制机制研究

    Interfacial Chemistry and Kinetics-Controlled Reaction Mechanism of Organo-Phosphoric Acid Mixed Extraction Systems

  22. 介电法研究萃取体系分子间的相互作用

    Study of Molecular Interactions in Extraction System with the Dielectric Polarization Measurement

  23. 钴镍协同萃取体系

    Synergistic systems of solvent extraction of cobalt and nickel

  24. 四苯鉮&硫氰酸铌萃取体系用于铌的光度分析

    Tetraphenylarsonium Niobium-Thiocyanate Extraction System for Photometric Determination of Niobium

  25. 溶剂萃取体系中锡的干扰研究

    Study on Effection of Tin on Solvent Extraction System

  26. 金属溶剂萃取体系热力学模型建立方法的研究

    A Study on Method in Establishing Thermodynamic Model for Metal Solvent Extraction Systems

  27. DCH-18-C-6/乙酸乙酯萃取体系萃取分离铀(Ⅵ)的研究

    Study on the extraction of uranium (ⅵ) in ethyl acetate system with DCH-18-C-6

  28. 在实验研究基础上,得到了每个对映体最合适的萃取体系。

    The most suitable extraction system for each drug enantiomers was obtained by experiment .

  29. 烟草中游离烟碱水萃取体系定量分析方法

    Study on quantitative analysis method of free nicotine in tobacco by aqueous extraction system

  30. 多醚萃取体系中锂的同位素效应&盐浓效应

    Lithium isotope effect in the extraction systems of polyethers & effect of salt concentration