
luó bo ɡāo
  • turnip cake
  1. 我们去了佳宁娜潮州菜(carriannachiuchow),先要了一些潮州风味点心,如清蒸咸肉萝卜糕,油炸辣肉糯米团和蒸虾蛟。

    At carrianna Chiu Chow restaurant we started with a few Chiu chow-style dim sum such as steamed turnip cake with preserved meat , deep-fried glutinous dumpling with spicy meat and steamed shrimp dumpling .

  2. 首先,在和平东路和温州街拐角的那家店尝尝他们的萝卜糕(星期日不开门)。

    First , try the turnip cake at the stand at the corner of Heping East Road and Wenzhou Street ( closed Sundays ) .

  3. 糕点类有松糕、棉花糕、萝卜糕、芋头糕、马蹄糕、伦教糕等,这类食品的共同点都是蒸制而成。

    There are types of cakes muffin , cotton cake , carrot cake , taro cake , horseshoe cake , cake Lunjiao , and other such foods have in common are from Zheng Zhi .

  4. 先尽情享用松软的叉烧包、煎萝卜糕和自制核桃露(喝起来像甜汤),然后在兼作画廊的大堂里欣赏日本建筑师隈研吾的未来主义设计。

    Feast on fluffy barbecued pork buns , pan-fried turnip cakes and homemade walnut milk ( it tastes like a sweet soup ) and then take in the Japanese architect Kego Kuma 's futuristic design in the lobby-cum-gallery space .