
  • 网络Marketing Tactical;marketing tactic
  1. 第五章是高校的营销战术研究,这里运用了服务营销的7Ps战术进行了研究。

    The marketing tactics of universities is involved in the fifth chapter , in which the 7-ps tactics of service marketing is utilized for research .

  2. 另一种是将品牌作为企业的营销战术中的一个方面,是位于产品领域的一个细节。

    Another kind is a respect in the marketing tactics of regarding brand as enterprises , it is a detail lying in the products field .

  3. 轿车及轻卡车轮胎替换市场营销战术研究

    The Marketing Research of Passenger Car and Light Truck Tire Replacement

  4. 广告商们充分调动消费者的每一个感官,利用潜意识的可塑性,继而引导消费。这一点,他们干得太漂亮了。消费者即便了解这些营销战术,也难以避开潜意识的驱动。

    Advertisers use every sense you have , as well as your incredibly malleable subconscious to convince you to buy things , and they 're very successful at what they do .

  5. 它还超过了美国在线零售商在去年网购星期一挣得的12.6亿美元的销售额,一个在2005年想出的营销战术来鼓励圣诞节的在线购物。

    It also surpassed the US $ 1.26 billion online retailers in the US earned on last year 's Cyber Monday , a marketing term dreamed up in 2005 to encourage online shopping for Christmas .

  6. 再次,根据STP进行市场定位,确定营销组合战术策略。

    Once again , it concludes the market positioning and the marketing mix tactics in terms of the STP analysis .

  7. 运用节日营销的战术策略和战略策略,节日市场将极为有利可图。

    Use tactics and strategies , more profit can be earned .

  8. 在战略营销和战术营销中,营销公关的作用不仅仅局限于促销领域,它在营销环境、市场定位、产品决策、定价决策和分销决策等方面同样可发挥巨大作用。

    : In tactical and strategic marketing , the marketing public relation play a part not only in sales promotion , but also in such aspects as marketing environment , market orientation , product decision , price-making decision , distribution decision and so on .

  9. 再次,从实施差异化营销的战术层面,就产品、价格、服务和渠道四个方面,论述了北海电信公司采取的具体政企差异化营销措施、存在的问题及解决方案。

    Thirdly , form the implement of the differentiated marketing point of view , this article expounded the measures Beihai Telecommunication company takes , the problems exists and its solutions , which was stated from four aspects , products , price , servic and channel .

  10. 营销战略、战术的有效运用离不开高效运转的营销管理组织。

    The effectiveness of the application and realization of the marketing strategies and tactics is depended upon the efficiency of the marketing management .

  11. 自有品牌战略的出现使得零售营销的战略和战术在广度和深度上不断进行变革。

    Appearance of private brand strategy causes retail marketing strategy and tactics to carry through transforming uninterrupted in span and depth .

  12. 最后对车险营销战略的具体实施即营销战术提出建议。

    Finally , it puts forward the suggestions to the implementation of vehicle insurance , namely the marketing tactics of marketing strategy .

  13. 自下而上发展的营销战略根生于对实际营销战术本身深刻理解的基础上:营销战术支配营销战略,营销战略推动营销战术。

    The marketing strategy from top to bottom is based on the profound understanding of marketing tactics : marketing tactics control marketing strategies and marketing strategies promote marketing tactics .

  14. 其中营销理念是战略层,营销组织是战术层,营销手段则是具体操作层。

    Marketing concept is strategic , marketing organization is tactical and marketing techniques are operational .

  15. 抑或是单纯从营销角度去考虑营销战略,错把营销战术当作是营销战略实施,还鲜有人们从行业价值链的角度去尝试进行营销战略选择的研究。

    Or is a simplicity to consider the marketing from the marketing angle strategy , chase the marketing tactics regard as the marketing strategy implement , few the people try to carry on the marketing research of the strategic choice from the angle of the industry value chain .

  16. 侧重于具体的营销战略描述和营销思路转型构想,并强调精细化营销、具体的营销战术及创新性营销的重要性和具体思路。

    The paper emphasized particularly on marketing strategy and marketing transformation , also , it focused on exquisite marketing ideas , idiographic marketing tactics , and the importance of creative marketing .

  17. 商业银行市场营销管理的内容主要包括八个Ps,即属于营销战略的四个Ps和属于营销战术的四个Ps。

    The main contents of bank marketing include 8Ps . The first 4Ps belong to marketing strategies and the second to marketing programs .

  18. 为此本文提出体验营销管理的概念和框架,并在营销组合概念的启发下,构建出体验营销的战术工具&体验营销组合(5Es组合)。

    The author thereafter develops the tactical tool of experience marketing & experience marketing mix ( 5Es ), being inspired by the concept of marketing mix .

  19. 为解决这一营销问题,文章首先分析了国内经济、法规、技术、四川加固业状况及竞争状况,然后研究了营销战略及战术。文章以勇于竞争、稳步发展的思想指导各项分析与研究。

    Analysis on Demand-supply Situation in Central China Grid & Countermeasures for It In order to solve this problem , the author of the thesis analyzed national economy , regulation , technology , market demand-supply situation and competition condition , and then researched marketing strategies and tactics .