
  • 网络Marketing;marketing promotion;sem
  1. 负责营销推广:组织营销推广活动,与各部门协作完成销售指标。

    Responsible for marketing : marketing organizations , in collaboration with the departments sales targets .

  2. 影视作为一种活跃的传媒方式,影视作品作为流行文化的主要载体,在营销推广、形象塑造和新兴旅游产品的开发建设等许多方面,对旅游目的地的推动作用不容小视。

    Film as an active media mean and film works as major carrier of pop culture , in promotion of marketing , developing image and developing tourist products , to promote the tourist destinations are very important .

  3. pushmail手机邮箱业务分析及营销推广策略

    Marketing Strategy and Service Analysis of Push Mail Service

  4. 该公司还把使用奥运商标的权利转给了发行其信用卡的银行:约有950家金融机构将加入Visa公司的营销推广。

    It is also passing on the rights to use the Olympic brand to the banks that issue its charge cards : some 950 financial institutions will join its marketing push .

  5. 所以一家名为KD互动的公司正在营销推广一种面向青少年的智能手机,不仅可以通过家长们的简单操作执行过滤模式而且对一些功能的使用也有严格的指导要求。

    So a company called KD Interactive is marketing a smartphone for youngsters that makes it easier for parents to set parental filters and strict guidelines for use .

  6. 为什么会想到在赞助QQ火炬点亮时使用这种方式,难道就不能用其它QQ最常使用的营销推广方式?

    Why can think of to use this kind of means when assistance QQ torch illumes , cannot use other QQ most does the sale that often uses extend pattern ?

  7. 由于iPhone5c可以作为一款新智能手机进行营销推广,相较于上市销售已有12个月的iPhone5,它对零售商店和消费者来说更有吸引力。

    Because the iPhone 5c can be marketed as a new smartphone , it 's a far more attractive handset to retail stores and consumers than a twelve month old iPhone 5 .

  8. 最后,基于移动电子商务发展策略的规划,细化了现阶段产品平台和品牌建设、合作运营管理、营销推广的实施方案,为广西移动在3G时代取得进一步竞争优势、抢占市场先机提供支持。

    Finally , based on the strategy , Refining the current product platforms , brand-building , and cooperation operations management , marketing implementation plan were refined , which make Guangxi Mobile achieve the further competitive advantage in the 3G ear .

  9. 接着本文介绍了中小企业网站的三种主要线上推广方法:搜索引擎推广、E-mail营销推广以及在行业网站与B2B电子商务平台的信息发布。

    By comparison , This paper introduces the three main types of small and medium-sized web promotion methods : search engine promotion , E-mail Marketing and Web in the industry B2B e-commerce platform with the release of information .

  10. 但是作为从事农业高新技术研发示范、产品生产和营销推广的农业高新技术企业(AHTE)却未得到充分扩张和快速成长。

    In fact , the Agricultural High-tech Enterprise ( AHTE ) has not been expanded fully and grown rapidly , which mainly engages in research and development of AHT , production , sale and popularity of goods .

  11. 基于客户体验管理的电子银行营销推广研究

    Based on Customer Experience Management Study of the E-Banking Marketing

  12. 整体营销推广与媒体利用。

    5 , The overall marketing and media use .

  13. 第六部分主要是营销推广计划,即推广方案的实施步骤。

    The last part focuses on the marketing extension plan with the execution steps .

  14. 除了营销推广之外,这种策略能否为商业战略和估值也提供宝贵经验?

    Could this be a lesson in business strategy and valuation in addition to marketing ?

  15. 高科技产品的营销推广研究

    Study on Marketing Strategy of High-tech Product

  16. 政府旅游营销推广研究

    Research on Government 's Tourism Marketing Popularizing

  17. 本文就此探讨了如何有效提高区域市场营销推广工作的专业性这个问题。

    This article is discussing how to effectively improve the professional level of regional marketing promotion .

  18. 这种全球营销推广活动的主要目的是实现利润最大化,而不是为了增加销售额。

    The main aim of such global marketing campaigns is not to increase sales but to maximise profitability .

  19. 我们是你在亚太地区的互动媒体营销推广的主要合作伙伴。

    We are your partner for premier interactive media sales and advertising solutions in the Asia Pacific region .

  20. 本文还重点介绍了锋范产品诞生的历史,上市后的营销推广活动。

    This article also introduces emphatically the history of the birth of CITY products and the marketing promotion activities after CITY went public .

  21. 根据这一市场定位,从产品策略、价格策略、促销策略、渠道策略论述了手机邮箱业务的市场营销推广策略。

    According this market objective way we discuss the marketing promotion strategy from product strategy , price strategy , promotion strategy and place .

  22. 以往酒店经营者常集中精力于硬件设施的规划与包装,并强化对外的营销推广,以吸引消费者前来住宿。

    Hotel managers always attracted customers checking in by paying attention to hardware plan and packing of equipments and strengthening marketing extension toward outside .

  23. 我们不仅拥有体系健全的营销推广架构,还提供倡导世界顶级品牌的管理经念。

    The company not only features complete market structure but also provides management experience , which leads the management experiences of the world top brands .

  24. 正是基于这种大的背景。本文力求站在全球互联网发展趋势以及移动互联网的角度全新阐述电子商务实现的关键环节、技术、业务、商业模式和营销推广策略。

    Under this background , the article mainly expounds the key constituent of E-commerce including technology , service , business mode , marketing and so on .

  25. 对于服装企业来说,品牌的营销推广是一个非常重要的环节,而服装专卖店则是服装企业营销推广的重要场所。

    For a clothing enterprise , brand marketing promotion is a very important factor , and the fashion boutique is the important place for the marketing promotion .

  26. 通过两者的对比分析,提出住宅在产品实体、配套设施和营销推广等三个方面的若干建议,以期为开发商开拓住宅市场提供参考依据。

    Through the comparative analysis of them , it proposed frome the perspective of entities product , Facilities and marketing facilities to provide reference for the market .

  27. 联合利华利用农妇们“勤用杀菌肥皂不传染痢疾”之类的口号做营销推广;

    Union advantage China industriously does not infect dysentery " and so on slogan using peasant woman " with the sterilization soap to make the marketing promotion ;

  28. 特别的,根据研究结果提出了从企业角度如何进行营销推广、促销、网站设计、价格定位及提升客户满意度等方面的意见。

    In particular , according to the results from the business perspective on how marketing , promotion , web design , price positioning and enhance customer satisfaction views .

  29. 第二部分:分析了房屋置业中心的经营管理问题。该部分分别从房屋置业中心的市场预测、数据库的建立和应用、营销推广、经营模式四个方面讨论了房屋置业中心主要的经营问题。

    The second part discusses problems of House Tenancy Center management from four aspects , market forecast , build and operation of database , spreading , and running model .

  30. 负责参与本地平台自有业务以及与运营商合作业务的需求分析、产品策划、开发协调、营销推广等;

    Be responsible for participate native terrace from have business and cooperate business with operator of need analysis , product plan , develop coordination , marketing expansion * etc. ;