
  • 网络President of El Salvador
  1. 这个信息受到萨尔瓦多总统毛里西奥.富内斯的赞赏。

    The message was well received by El Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes .

  2. 晚间,欧巴马夫妇将在萨尔瓦多总统府出席正式晚宴。

    The Obamas will attend an official dinner at the presidential palace in the evening .

  3. 危地马拉·加拉瓜、斯达尼加、都拉斯和萨尔瓦多5国总统在危地马拉城签署《中美洲和平协议》。

    The Central American Peace Accord was signed in Guatemala City by presidents from Guatemala , Nicaragua , Costa Rica , Honduras and El Salvador .