
  • 网络Sarti;Salty
  1. 在巴黎,萨尔蒂画廊(Sartigallery)刚刚展出了传统卡拉瓦乔风格(Caravaggesque)的22幅画作,它们是过去10年时间里持之以恒收藏的结果。

    In Paris , Sarti gallery has just unveiled a show of 22 paintings in the Caravaggesque tradition , which it has been patiently accumulating over the past 10 years .

  2. 今年3月,萨尔蒂亚诺决定结束合伙关系,原因之一可能是夜生活的节奏太快。

    The fast pace of night life may have contributed to Mr. Sartiano 's decision to leave the partnership in March .