- calyx tube

Calyx tube outside have pilose ; sepals inside and outside glabrous or reversing the top hairy .
This variety is different from the typical one by having more leaf nerves , up to 11 pairs , calyx tube not fleshy , anther yellow , and ovary clavate and glabrous .
The antibacterial activity of pomegranate external tissue was higher than velamen and calyx .
Capsule subglobose , 1-1.2 cm in diameter , calyx-tube as long as 2 / 3 of capsule .
Hardy deciduous vine having large leaves and flowers with the calyx tube curved like the bowl of a pipe .
In the anatomy of the fruit , the results indicated that calyx , pericarp , seed coat and embryo make up the fruit of Seabuckthorn .
The results showed that chlorogenic acid mainly distributed in the epidermis cells and the next layers cells of outer epidermis in calyx tube and corolla tube ;
The degenerated disk and floral-part residue were then located at the rim of the concaved calyx-tube forming a ring of brownish vestigial structure which was characteristic to jujube fruit .
When the female flower become maturity , part of the sepals syncretize and form a calyx tube and the remains of sepals become calyx tooth . At this time , a cycle of staminodes could be seen around the base of gynoecia .
Results In flower , chlorogenic acid is mostly distributed in outer epidermal cells of calyx tube-ovary wall and the next 3 5 layer cells , outer epidermal cells of corolla and the next 1 2 layer cells , and inner epidermal cilium cells of corolla ;