
  • 网络gray
  1. 我不能确定葛瑞是不是擅长家务。

    I 'm not sure Greg is much of a homemaker .

  2. 葛瑞心想,他们也许有一天会结婚。

    Day by day , his father looks happier and happier .

  3. 吉迪恩葛瑞正好讨人厌又是只狐狸。

    Gideon Grey was a jerk who happens to be a fox .

  4. 只有葛瑞注意到珊蒂今天的发型略有不同。

    Only Greg noticed that Sandy 's hairstyle was slightly different today .

  5. 葛瑞找到他的猫时松了一口气。

    Greg was relieved when he found his cat .

  6. 我在说你呢,吉帝恩葛瑞。

    I 'm looking at you , Gideon Grey .

  7. 没错!那个吉帝恩葛瑞根本不知道他再说什么!

    Yeah , that Gideon Grey doesn 't know what he 's talking about !

  8. 阿资葛瑞?帕特里奇的作品。这颗钻石有1.5克拉,价值约5万美元。

    It 's a one-and-a-half karat diamond , and it 's around $ 50000 .

  9. 是的,那是葛瑞山本先生。

    Yes , it was Gary Yamamoto .

  10. 记得那只吉迪恩葛瑞干了什么?

    Remember what happened with Gideon Grey ?

  11. 大概一年以前,我大学时代的一个同学在伦敦看到葛瑞。

    About a year ago , a college friend of mine saw Gary in London .

  12. 叫葛瑞泰和第二班向左移动。

    Tell guarnere to move left with2nd .

  13. 而且又没有给葛瑞机会让他证明自己有持家的能力。

    Also , it would hardly be giving Greg the chance to show his domestic competence .

  14. 葛瑞-雷纳提供看待世界的另一种方式,致使人类灵性变得无所畏惧和全面开花。

    Gary Renard offers a way of looking at the world that leads to fearlessness and the full flowering of the human spirit .