
  1. 然而在今天的勃艮第酒庄可能会遭遇尴尬,因为一项研究进一步提供证据证明将葡萄酿成一杯红酒的工艺来自于今日的意大利。

    But there may be some red faces in Burgundy today - because a study provides more evidence that the techniques for turning grapes into a glass of wine may have come over from what today is Italy .

  2. 葡萄的82%由水构成,一串葡萄相当于1/3杯水-这也是为什么它们作为冰冻点心也很棒的原因。

    Made of 82 percent water , a serving of grapes provides 1 / 3 cup of water - which is why they work great as a frozen treat as well .