
  1. 仙人峡是葫芦河流经的最大峡谷。

    Hyacinth fairy River Gorge is the largest canyon .

  2. 提出葫芦河蛇绿岩带属“野马山木里拉脊山早古生代结合带”东延组成部分。

    The Huluhe ophiolite zone includes " Early Paleozoic of Yemashan-Mouli-Lajishan suture zone " a eastward extension .

  3. 西吉县葫芦河是渭河主要的一条支流,在西吉县人民吃水用水中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Hulu River is a tributary of the Weihe River and plays an important role in Xiji County .

  4. 甘肃葫芦河流域中全新世环境演化及其对人类活动的影响

    A preliminary study on the Paleoenvironment of the middle Holocene in the Hulu river area in Gansu Province and its effects on human activity

  5. 秦安县位于甘肃省东南部,天水市北部,渭河支流葫芦河下游。

    County of Gansu Province is located in the southeast , in the northern city of Tianshui , a tributary of the Weihe River gourd .

  6. 甘肃葫芦河流域地处干旱半干旱地区,属于渭河的一级支流,水文循环系统与生态系统都具有特殊性。

    The primary branch of Weihe River-Hulu River basin is located in arid and semi-arid area in Gansu Province , of which hydrological cycle and ecosystem hold its own particularities .

  7. 这主要因为葫芦河流域地势高,地下水基本不接受邻区地下水的侧向补给,主要靠降水入渗而形成。

    This is mainly due to the high terrain of the Hulu River basin , groundwater basic does not accept lateral recharge of groundwater in adjacent areas , and it is formed mainly by infiltration of precipitation .

  8. 城镇空间分布差异大,多数建制镇分布在地形起伏度较低的渭河、藉河、葫芦河、牛头河等河谷川地。

    The spatial distribution was large different in these cities and towns , most of them located in the river valley of the Wei river , Xi river , Hulu river , Niutou river , which have lower relief degree of land surface .

  9. 因此,如何对葫芦河流域水资源进行深入研究,快速有效寻找地下水,合理安排使用地下水,解决缺水地区人畜吃水难,用水难的问题,成为西吉县政府和人民亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to carry out an in-depth study of the Hulu River Basin Water Resources , quickly and efficiently search for groundwater , reasonable arrangements for the use of groundwater to address the difficulty of drinking water of dryland people and livestock .