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  • Anthracene;fear;dread;afraid
  • 害怕,畏惧:畏~不前。

  • 不高兴:“人言善而色~焉”。

  1. RNATypeⅢ、RNATypeⅥ等核糖核酸与葸环类抗生素表柔比星(EPI)相互作用的反应体系;

    Epirubicin and RNA , such as RNA Type ⅲ, RNA Type ⅵ systems ;

  2. 罗丹明B是常见的氧杂葸类染料,其具有摩尔吸光系数较大、激发波长较长和荧光量子产率高等优点。

    Rhodamine B , the common xanthene dye , has the large molar extinction coefficient , long excitation wavelength and higher fluorescence quantum yield .

  3. 蒽环类抗生素柔红霉素(DNR)、表柔比星(EPI)、米托葸醌(MXT)与刚果红(CR)相互作用的反应体系;

    Anthracycline antibiotics such as daunomycin , epirubicin , mitoxantrone and congo red systems ;

  4. 该轮烷体系中,我们希望随着冠醚环的移动,利用二茂铁和葸荧光团之间的PET过程来影响葸的荧光。

    In this rotaxane , we expected that the movement of macrocycle can influence the fluorescence of anthracene fluorophore by the distance-dependent photoinduced electron transfer ( PET ) process between ferrocene and anthracene .

  5. 此外,初步观察了新抗癌药米托葸醌和大蒜素对8种人实体瘤SRC移植后的效应。

    This method also has been used for investigation of anti-cancer effects of two new drugs DHAD and Allimin on 8 types of human tumor xenograft .

  6. 大黄酚(Chrysophanol,Chry)是从大黄等葸醌类化合物中提取的一种单体成份。

    Chrysophanol is an anthraquinone compound monomer from rhubarb .

  7. 为此本文在双极膜的中间层中涂布纳米尺寸的光催化剂TiO2和光敏剂葸醌(Anthraquinone,缩写为Anth),制得三明治式的双极膜。

    In the interlayer of bipolar membrane modified with nanometer-sized TiO2 as a photo-catalyst and the anthraquinone ( abbreviated as Anth ) as a photosensitizer .

  8. 芳环能在一对相邻碳上结合,生成萘、葸和?傅然0合物。

    Aromatic rings can be joined at a pair of adjacent carbons to yield compounds such as naphthalene , anthracene and chrysene .

  9. 葸醌法生产双氧水工艺包括工作液的配制、氢化、氧化、萃取、净化等过程。

    Production of hydrogen peroxide by anthraquinone method process is including working solution preparation , hydrogenation , oxidation , extraction , purification process , and so on .

  10. 以葸醌染料为例,通过单因素影响实验确定次氯酸钠法处理葸醌染料的最佳运行条件。

    In order to anthraquinone dyes as an example , through the single factor experiment to determine the effect of sodium hypochlorite treatment of anthraquinone dyes and the best operating conditions .

  11. 国内双氧水总生产能力已超过500万吨/年(以27.5%计),其中,绝大多数厂家采用葸醌法。

    At present , domestic hydrogen peroxide total production capacity has exceeded five million tons per year ( calculated by 27.5 % ) . Wherein , the most of manufacturers using anthraquinone method to product .