
  • 网络mungo;Mongke;MONGOOSE;The Meerkats
  1. 当蒙古铁骑横扫欧亚的时候,1259年蒙古王子蒙哥可汗却兵败钓鱼城。

    Outside the city , Fishing Town marks where the Mongol prince Mongke Khan was defeated in1259 .

  2. 因蒙哥汗驾崩四川、忽必烈自前线临阵退兵北归争夺汗位,蒙哥汗灭宋战略计划1259年以彻底失败告终。

    Because Mongke Khan died in Sichuan , and Kublai retreated north to contest great Khan throne from battlefront , Mongke Khan 's planning to conquer South Song Dynasty ended in failure in1259 .

  3. 然后根据蒙哥马里算法,用Veriloghdl语言实现了基于FPGA芯片的椭圆域中的基本运算(模加、模乘、模平方和模逆)。

    Then according to the Montgomery algorithm and using Verilog HDL , the basic operation in the elliptic curve based on FPGA is completed .

  4. 其中RAAC-RSA方案采用改进后的systolic阵列来实现变种的蒙哥马力算法,进而完成RSA的核心运算&乘模运算。

    RAAC-RSA adopts improved systolic array to realize Montgomery arithmetic and , in this way , finishes the cardinal arithmetic of RSA , i.e. multiple module .

  5. 或许蒙哥利斯不是我们应该来找帮助的人。

    Maybe magonius is the wrong place to look for support .

  6. 那让我把话说清楚吧,蒙哥

    So let me get this straight , Monger .

  7. 把甲酸直接射向蒙哥的眼睛和嘴巴

    And fires formic acid straight at the mongoose 's eyes and mouth .

  8. 部分并行的蒙哥马利模乘法器实现研究

    Implementation Study of Partly Parallel Montgomery Modular Multiplier

  9. 也许山姆大叔最著名的形象是由艺术家詹姆斯蒙哥马利弗雷戈(1877-1960)创造的。

    Perhaps the most famous image of Uncle Sam was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg ( 1877-1960 ) .

  10. 佩雷斯曾经在马里兰州的劳工部任职,他是首位在蒙哥马利郡议会任职的拉美裔美国人。

    Perez previously served as Labor Secretory for the State Maryland after being the first Latino elected to the Montgomery county council .

  11. 1956年,马丁·路德·金领导蒙哥马利城黑人成功抵制了当地公共汽车歧视黑人的行为。

    In1956 , Martin Luther King , black leader in Montgomery , the city successfully resisted the acts of discrimination against Blacks on the local bus .

  12. 基于字串行架构实现了模乘和求逆运算,并提出了相应的可伸缩蒙哥马利模乘算法,使基本运算具有数据通路小、可伸缩性强的特点。

    The digit-serial architecture is used in Montgomery multiplication and inverse , so the scalable Montgomery multiplication algorithm corresponding to small data path is presented by us .

  13. 蒙哥把这两项非常艰巨的任务交给他的两个弟弟忽必烈和旭烈兀;前者被派往中国,后者被派往中东。

    Mangu entrusted these formidable tasks to his two brothers , kublai , who was sent to china , and hulagu , who was dispatched to the middle east .

  14. 首先在算法上,本论文研究了公钥密码在多核处理器上的并行处理算法,包括对蒙哥马利模乘,椭圆曲线上点加和倍点的并行性进行了开发。

    First of all , this paper , from the aspect of algorithm , studies the parallel processing algorithm of public key algorithm based on multicore processor , including the parallelism of Montgomery modular multiplication , point addition and double point based on ECC .

  15. 站在距离蒙哥巴利市的街角不远,这里就是1955年12月1日罗莎·帕克斯拒绝为白人男性让座的地方,学校教师凯西·麦哲伦回忆了帕克斯的人生经历,并表示这是每个人都应知道的事情。

    Standing on a street not far from the corner of Montgomery , where Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on Dec. 1st , 1955 , school teacher Kathy Magellan reflected on Park 's life story , saying that it 's one everyone should know .