
  • 网络Evaporation loss;Noack
  1. 内燃机油的多级化及其对蒸发损失的要求

    Multigrade internal combustion engine oils and their demands on evaporation loss

  2. GB/T7325-1987润滑脂和润滑油蒸发损失测定法GB/T269-1991润滑脂和石油脂锥入度测定法

    Petroleum products Lubricating greases and oils Determination of evaporation loss

  3. Mg合金元素在焊缝上部和中心区有较大的蒸发损失;

    Evaporation and loss of Mg element was excessive both on the top and in the center of seam .

  4. 色谱模拟蒸馏技术在润滑油馏份组成及蒸发损失测定中的应用汽油色谱模拟蒸馏ASTMD-2887的改进以及我国标准蒸馏方法数据的关联

    The Applying of Technology of Chromatograph Imitate Distillation on Lube Fraction From and Evaporation Lossing Determination Improvement of Simulant Distillation ( ASTM D-2887 ) and Correlation with Chinese Standard Method

  5. 关于冷水塔蒸发损失的确定

    To Decide the Evaporation Loss of Cold Water Tower

  6. 河水入渗过程中蒸发损失的实验模拟研究

    Simulation Study on Experiment of Evaporation Loss in the Process of Infiltration of River Water

  7. 同时,干旱不仅降低了样地内植物的蒸腾量和蒸散量,而且增加了降水的蒸发损失。

    Drought not only decreases the amount of transpiration and evapo-transpiration , but increases precipitation loss by evaporation .

  8. 喷灌的水分飘移蒸发损失可达总水量的20%~25%。

    Floating and evaporation loss of sprinkler irrigation water could reach 20 ~ 25 % of the total .

  9. 沟灌耕层土壤蒸发损失的水分大于滴灌大于渗灌。

    Compared with dripping and seeping irrigation , evaporation loss of water from topsoil is the most in furrow irrigation .

  10. 文章对国内外加氢异构化基础油的主要理化性质进行了分析,考察了其粘度指数、蒸发损失、氧化安定性、倾点等性能的差异。

    The evaporation loss is an important part of water loss in cooling tower and also is the maximum water consumption in thermal power plants .

  11. 实验结果表明,两者之间的差别是未反应的马来酸酐在固含量测定过程中蒸发损失所致。

    The results indicate that higher measured solid content than theory solid content is due to losing of unreacted maleic anhydride in higher drying temperature .

  12. 979焊剂无味且非易燃,其水基配方通过取消了稀释剂的施用以及消除了蒸发损失,同时保持了同样的生产率,从而降低了成本。

    979 flux is odorless and non-flammable ; its water-based formula reduces costs by eliminating thinner use and evaporative losses , while maintaining production yields .

  13. 在保持凝汽器真空正常的前提下,循环水泵耗电量降低、循环水蒸发损失减少,机组运行经济性明显提高。

    After optimization , keeps the well-balanced condenser vacuum , reduces the power consumption and cycle water evaporation , increases the turbine set 's economic benefit of operation .

  14. 提出用经验公式法和试验法两种方法确定冷水塔的蒸发损失,并对两种方法进行比较,结果基本一致。

    Two methods deciding the evaporation loss of cold water tower using the empirical formula and the test are given and compared . The results are basically consistent .

  15. 采用保持耕作措施,尤其免耕和深松,对于增加土壤蓄水、减少蒸发损失、提高水分有效性、节省能耗以及改善作物产量显示出最佳的效果。

    No-till and subsoiling have shown promise in increasing water storage , reducing water loss , enhancing water availability , and saving energy , as well as increasing wheat yield .

  16. 为确定该内浮顶罐的降低油品蒸发损失效率,采用量气法测定其大呼吸时的蒸发损失量,而小呼吸的损失则按炼油厂的实践积累的经验数据进行计算。

    The oil evaporation loss rate in this kind of tanks is determined by measuring gas at the time of major breath or making calculation using the empirical data accumulated in refineries .

  17. 内陆河的水资源可利用量采用水资源总量扣除河道内生态环境需水量及河道蒸发损失水量的计算方法。

    The calculation method for the inner river basin available water quantity is that the total water quantity minus the quantity of instream ecological water demand and the water quantity of channel evaporation loss .

  18. 根据新标准的要求,研究了降低润滑油基础油蒸发损失,提高其氧化安定性的措施,开发了一些如临氢吸附精制工艺和溶剂脱蜡一催化降凝组合工艺等新的基础油生产技术。

    These base oils as well as the new technologies for producing the base oils are under developing , such as adsorption refining with hydrogen and the integration of solvent dewaxing with catalytic pour point depressing , etc.

  19. 为了深化河流入渗机理的认识以及提高地下水资源评价的精度,本文就河水入渗过程中蒸发损失量的计算进行了室内模拟试验研究。

    To deepen the knowledge of river infiltration mechanism and improve the precision of groundwater resources evaluation , the article carries on simulation study for calculating the quantity of evaporation loss in the process of river water infiltration .

  20. 针对干旱区平原水库无效蒸发损失严重这一特点,提出用轻质板覆盖部分库区水面以减少无效蒸发,提高水库的有效利用率。

    Aiming at the large amount of ineffective evaporation from plain reservoirs in arid area , the authors put forward using polystyrene foam plastics slabs floating on the surface to decrease evaporation and make valid utilization of the reservoirs .

  21. 介绍了多级油的最新特性标准和世界各大公司在润滑油标准中对蒸发损失的要求,以及我们如何改进基础油的质量以满足对产品蒸发损失的要求。

    The newest property standards of multigrade engine oils and the demands on evaporation loss by famous companies in the world in lubricating oil standards as well as how to improve the quality of base oil in order to meet the demand for evaporation loss were presented as main .

  22. 就油品的蒸发损失进行了重点考察,用加氢基础油研制的高档汽油机油,经广州本田雅阁轿车3×10~4km行车试验,证明可满足高档汽油机轿车的使用性能要求。

    The paper studied volatility of lubricating oil . Formulated high quality PCMO with hydrogenated base oil , by GUANGZHOU HONDA ACCORD passenger car in 3 × 10 ~ 4 km field test . The results show that the quality of oil have met the requirements of high quality PCMO .

  23. 然而,与地面灌溉相比,喷灌过程中存在冠层截留和蒸发飘移损失,导致喷灌水的损失和水量的重新分配。

    However , compared with surface irrigation , the water was intercepted by canopy , evaporation and excursion and causes the water loss and distribution during sprinkler irrigation .

  24. 监测结果表明,雨季、旱季平均流量分别为417.1206.8m3/d,无降雨期间渗漏、蒸发蒸腾损失的水量之和占进水的42.1%~60.5%。

    The average flow rates in rainy and dry seasons were 417.1 and 206.8m3/d . The sum of the infiltration and the evapotranspiration loss in period without rain occupied 42.1 % ~ 60.5 % of the influent water .

  25. 汾河水库蒸发渗漏水量损失分析计算

    Calculation of Evaporation and Seepage Loss in Fenhe Reservoir

  26. 通过分析1980-2004年资料,得出两水库的入库水量来源和出库水量分配情况,同时根据水库蓄变量推求两水库的蒸发、渗漏损失量。

    By analyzing relevant data of1980-2004 , we have gotten the inflow and outflow water distribution of the two reservoirs , and calculated evaporation and seepage quantity .

  27. 较大的雨滴下落得很快,蒸发引起的质量损失较少。

    Larger drops fall quickly and can better afford to lose mass by evaporation .

  28. 绿茶汁蒸发浓缩过程品质损失动力学

    The kinetic model of quality loss of green tea infusion in evaporating concentration process

  29. 本文提出了一种确定出、入水库工程规模,水库蒸发、渗流水损失的方法。

    The paper presents the method that makes sure the reservoir engineering scale and flowing water loses .

  30. 蒸发蒸腾量的时空分布可以用来更好地了解区域的蒸发蒸腾损失,并且直观地反映出不同土地利用类型的水量消耗,便于管理者建立土地利用、水量消耗以及水量分配三者之间的联系。

    Spatio-temporal information on actual evapotranspiration ( ET ) helps users to better understand evaporative depletion and to establish links between land use , water allocation , and water use .