
zhēnɡ qì chuán
  • steamer
  1. 就像蒸汽船促成了其沿线城市的诞生一样

    Like the steamboats , it spawn cities along its route .

  2. 他修过桥,也在老式蒸汽船上工作过。

    He built bridges and worked on the old steamships .

  3. 是的.他修过桥,也在老式蒸汽船上工作过.

    Right.He built bridges and worked on the old steamships .

  4. 很多年以前,蒸汽船被认为是最快速的运输工具。

    Many years ago steamships were considered the fastest mode of transport .

  5. 这样就能够启动蒸汽船静默的汽笛?

    so that it triggers the muted horn of a steam ship ?

  6. 仅仅四年之后,第一艘蒸汽船横渡了大西洋。

    Only four years later , the first steamship crossed the Atlantic Ocean .

  7. 之后就发明了蒸汽船。

    En , of course you invented steam ships .

  8. 美国内战爆发时马克吐温正在一条蒸汽船上工作。

    When the civil war break out , Mark Twain was working on a steamship .

  9. 游客们还付高金搭载翻新过的蒸汽船,在河上自在游览。

    The renovated steamships are for tourists willing to pay top dollar for a leisurely float .

  10. 那只摆渡用的小蒸汽船在镇子下游大约一英里的地方,顺流而下。

    The little steam ferryboat was about a mile below the village , drifting with the current .

  11. 说到,蒸汽船和铁路使发展中的城市相互连接,并且给有天资的年轻人带来了机遇。

    Howe says steamboats and rail lines linked growing cities that offered opportunities for talented young people .

  12. 但它们非常不安全,早期蒸汽船半数会毁于爆炸,致残致死数百人。

    But they 're deadly . Over half the early models explode , maiming and killing hundreds .

  13. 但是当他22岁时,他实现了自己的愿望&去蒸汽船上工作。

    But when he was22 , he achieved his ambition and got a job working on a steamboat .

  14. 1857年,这艘蒸汽船遇到飓风而沉没,船上的乘客和货物都沉入了海底。

    In 1857 , the steamer sank in a hurricane , taking her passengers and cargo to the ocean floor .

  15. 过时的帆船舰队肯定难以抗衡蒸汽船是新一代,速度快,新模型比旧的赞多了。

    Your old sailing frigates just couldn 't compete with those younger , faster , steamier models in the water .

  16. 1928年11月18日,米老鼠代表美国精神在动画片《蒸汽船威利号》中首次亮相。

    He was a symbol of American pluck in his screen debut , " Steamboat Willie ," on Nov.18 , 1928 .

  17. 到了1870年代,铁路公司已经取代蒸汽船,成为货物与乘客在美国内部的主要交通工具。

    By the1870s , they had replaced the steamboats as the major transporter of goods and passengers within the United states .

  18. 在1850年代,这艘蒸汽船主要是在美国东部海岸和美国中部之间行驶,运送货物和乘客。

    During the 1850s , this steamship ran passengers and cargo between the eastern coast of the United States and Central America .

  19. 你可以自己在日内瓦上泛舟,登上美丽的时代精品蒙特勒,这个1904年建造的最近才开运的蒸汽船。

    To sail on Lake Geneva yourself , board Montreux , a Belle é poque-era steam-powered vessel built in1904 and recently relaunched .

  20. 鲍嘉因为饰演一位终日喝酒的蒸汽船船长,所以在影片拍摄中经常是醉醺醺的。

    Bogart to drink all day long because of steamships played a captain , so in the film shooting is often drunk .

  21. 即便是逆流航行,蒸汽船一天航程也可达50英里,八倍于木筏的速度与载货量。

    Even upstream , steamboats can travel 50 miles a day , eight times faster , eight times the cargo of a raft .

  22. 时光飞逝,城市日渐兴旺,小帆船被蒸汽船替代,大批的陌生人随之到来。

    The years fly by like minutes . The city around us grew . Sailboats gave way to steamships disgorging an endless menu of magnificent strangers .

  23. 发明蒸汽船之后,人们的旅行和交通运输都改变了。而在1814年,乔治·史蒂芬逊发明蒸汽机车后,变化更了。

    Travel and transportation were changed when the steamship was invented , and they were changed even more when the locomotive was invented by George Stephenson in1814 .

  24. 该案件涉及一艘法国蒸汽船与一艘土耳其运煤船在公海上的碰撞导致部分土耳其船员和乘客遇难。

    The case involved a collision on the high seas between a French steamer and a Turkish collier in which some Turkish crew members and passengers lost their lives .

  25. 导致了“大分裂”的第一波全球化浪潮通过降低实体货物运输成本拓展了市场空间,这主要归功于蒸汽船和铁路的出现。

    The first wave of globalisation that created the Great Divergence expanded markets via the falling cost of transporting physical goods , thanks to the steamship and the railway .

  26. 第一次革命是19世纪初蒸汽机船的发明。

    The first revolution was caused by the invention of the steam engine and its adaptation to the propulsion of ships in the early 19th century , and the second by the invention of the container as medium for the transportation of goods in the 1960 's.

  27. 自19世纪蒸汽机钢质船问世之后,船舶碰撞更加引起人们的注意。

    After the invention of steam machine steel quality ship of 19 centuries publishes , the collision between vessels causes people to pay more attention to it .

  28. 蒸汽过热器是船用锅炉的重要组成部分之一,在整个蒸汽动力装置中占有极其重要的地位。

    The steam superheater is one of the most important components of marine boiler . It holds the extremely important status in the entire steam power installment .

  29. 到了20世纪时,蒸汽推进的技术越来越进步,你甚至可以搭着大型蒸汽船横渡海洋了。

    Into the 20th century , steam propulsion became so advanced that you could ride a giant steamer across the ocean .

  30. 1807年的今天,罗伯特·富尔顿制造的首艘美国的蒸汽轮船离开纽约城,经哈得逊河驶往奥尔巴尼,开辟了世界上的首个商用蒸汽船的服务。

    1807-Robert Fulton 's first American steamboat leaves New York City for Albany , New York on the Hudson River , inaugurating the first commercial steamboat service in the world .