
  • 网络Artemisia;Artemisia L;artemisia linn
  1. 献血员、脐带血,非IgE型骨髓瘤和蒿属花粉症患者的IgE值(GM)分别为307.4、2.69、43.3和506IU/ml。

    Results of clinical application revealed that serum IgE levels from donors , umbilical cords , patients with non-IgE multiple myeloma and Artemisia pollenosis were 307.4 , 2.69 , 43.3 and 506 IU / ml respectively .

  2. 结论某些中药制剂与蒿属花粉等有交叉抗原性,可以诱发或加重花粉症症状。

    CONCLUSIONS : Certain TCMs have cross antigenicity with Artemisia pollen , which can induce or worsen pollenosis symptoms .

  3. 测定人血清中抗蒿属花粉和尘螨特异性IgGELISA间接法的建立

    Detection of Human Specific IgG to P or M with ELISA

  4. 艾叶(Artemisiaeargyi)为菊科(Asteraceae)蒿属(Artemisia)植物,主要分布于亚洲东部地区,普遍生长于路旁荒野、草地。

    The Artemisiae argyi belongs to Asteraceae Artemisia vegetation , mainly in the eastern region of Asia . It generally grows at the roadside wilderness and grass .

  5. 菊科(Compositae)是被子植物中含有化学组分最多、结构最复杂的科,其中蒿属是该科中杀虫和抑菌活性强、分布广的属之一。

    Asteraceae which has the most chemical composition , is the most complex genera in angiosperms . And among them , Artemisia plants are broader distributed and has strong insecticidal and antibacterial activity .

  6. 结果蒿属花粉过敏体质者扁桃体淋巴细胞经特异性抗原刺激后IL4、IL5水平明显升高,而IFNγ水平明显降低,与非过敏对照者细胞因子水平相比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。

    Results The levels of IL-4 , IL-5 in tonsil lymphocytes in Artemisia pollen-atopic people after stimulated by specific antigen were higher than nonatopic controls , but the levels of IFN - γ were lower than those in nonatopic controls ( P < 0.01 , respectively ) .

  7. 新疆五种蒿属植物的应用基础研究

    The Basic Applied Study in Five Species of Artemisia in Xinjiang

  8. 蒿属等花粉症62例临床分析

    The Clinic Analysis of 62 Cases of Artemisia Pollen Hay Fever

  9. 目的:研究紫葳科角蒿属植物大花鸡肉参的化学成分。

    Objective : To study the chemical constituents of Incarvillea mairei var.

  10. 蒿属的任何一种混合的杂草。

    Any of several weedy composite plants of the genus Artemisia .

  11. 八种蒿属植物石油醚提取物中萜类成分分析

    Analysis of terpenoids in petrol extracts of eight Artemisia species

  12. 蒿属植物黄酮类化学成分及药理活性研究概况

    Review on the Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Activities of Flavonoids from Artemisia

  13. 兼具蒿属花粉症和植物类食物过敏患者50例临床分析

    A report of 50 patients with artemisia pollenosis and plant food allergy

  14. 蒿属荒漠草地应用高吸水性树脂试验

    The application of supper absorbent resin in Artemisia desert grassland

  15. 五种蒿属植物源杀虫剂活性成分的提取工艺

    Extraction Technology for Active Components of Plant-based Pesticides from Five Artemisia Species

  16. 绿绒蒿属植物中黄酮类化合物的电喷雾电离串联质谱研究

    Study on Flavonoids From Meconopsis Maxim by Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry

  17. Ⅱ带是以蒿属莎草科禾本科桦属栎属为主组合带;

    Zone ⅱ : Artemisia - Cyperaceae-Gramineae - Betula-Quercus .

  18. 蒿属花粉变应原脱敏治疗的评价&149例回顾性调查

    Evaluation of desensitization for Artemisia pollen allergen : Retrospective investigation among 149 cases

  19. 新疆几种小半灌木蒿属植物生态生物学特性的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the eco-biological characteristics of several semishrub Artemisia species in Xinjiang

  20. 北美洲生有蒿属植物地区的大型松鸡。

    Large grouse of sagebrush regions of North America .

  21. 不同降水量处理时5种蒿属植物瘦果粘液溶出

    Comparison of mucilage produced by achenes of 5 Artemisia species under different rainfall treatments

  22. 北美蒿属的任何一种混合的亚灌木。

    Any of several North American composite subshrubs of the genera Artemis or Seriphidium .

  23. 目的探讨兼具蒿属花粉症和植物类食物过敏的患者两类变应原及其诱发症状之间的临床关系。

    Objective To study the patients with both artemisia pollenosis and plant food allergy .

  24. 喜马拉雅山南部蒿属二新种

    Two new species of Artemisia from S. Himalaya

  25. 绢蒿属荒漠草地不同退化阶段土壤养分空间异质性的研究

    Study on Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrient in Seriphidium Desert Grassland in Different Degraded Stages

  26. 我国沙区6种蒿属植物的种子微形态特征

    A Comparative study on Microstructure Features of Seed From Artemisia Plants in Desert of China

  27. 蒿属花粉抗原对扁桃体淋巴细胞因子及细胞增殖的影响

    The Dynamic Changes of Cytokines Produced by Tonsil Lymphocytes after Stimulated by Artemisia Pollen Antigen

  28. Ⅳ带是以松属桦属蒙古栎蒿属苔草属为主组合带。

    Zone ⅳ: Pinus-Betula - Quercus Mongolica-Artemisia-Carex .

  29. 新疆北部蒿属荒漠草地叶甲的发生与防治

    Occurrence and control of the leaf beetles on Artemisia desert grassland in the north of Xinjiang

  30. 黄土高原蒿属几种植物化学元素成分特征

    The characteristic of chemical element on the many plants of Artemisia Linn . In the Loess Plateau