
lán shān què
  • blue tit
  1. 月光波来,蓝山雀之梦为之颤然。

    Under weaves of moonlight , blue tit 's dream tickles .

  2. 研究发现,蓝山雀、大山雀和其他花园鸟类在早上找食,但只在临近傍晚的时候才吃掉。

    Blue tits , great tits and other small garden birds scout for food in the morning but only return to eat it in the late afternoon , a study found .

  3. 由民众投票选出的10个最终候选鸟分别是:知更鸟,翠鸟,仓鸮,蓝冠山雀,鹪鹩,画眉,海鹦,疣鼻天鹅,赤鸢和白尾鹞。

    The 10 most popular birds which have been voted for the by the public are the robin , kingfisher , barn owl , blue tit , wren , blackbird , puffin , mute swan , red kite and hen harrier .