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  • blue shift
  1. Mg含量增加,薄膜的吸收边蓝移,带隙增大。

    With the content of Mg increased , absorption edge of the film blue shift and band gap increased .

  2. FT-IR分析表明,TiO2的吸收峰出现蓝移现象;

    FT-IR analysis shows that the absorption band of TiO2 becomes blue shift .

  3. 立方烷的硝基衍生物分子中的C–H键全都收缩,且伸展频率发生了蓝移。

    The results showed that all of the intramolecular hydrogen bonds in nitro derivatives are blue - shifting .

  4. PL测试也表明其能带发生蓝移。

    The PL spectra also shows a band-gap blue-shift .

  5. 与游离CDs相比,在相同的激发波长下,聚电解质微胶囊中的CDs荧光发射峰均发生蓝移现象。

    Both the emission peaks of these fluorescent microcapsules had blue-shifted compared with the free CDs .

  6. 紫外-可见吸收光谱表明,随着Mg含量的增加带隙变宽,自由激子吸收峰明显蓝移。

    The UV-Vis absorption spectra showed that the band gap energy increased and the exciton peak had an obvious blue-shift with increasing Mg content .

  7. 在电脉冲激励过程中,机械压力使得x偏振的光栅波长蓝移,而y偏振的光栅波长红移。

    During the electrical pulse excitation , the grating wavelength is blue-shifted for the x-polarization and red-shifted for the y-polarization due to the mechanical stress .

  8. 随着基片温度提高,薄膜折射率n和消光系数κ的短波峰将逐渐蓝移,而退火使其出现红移。

    The peaks of refractive index n and extinction coefficient k undergo blue shift with increasing substrate temperature , and red shift occurs after thin film is annealed .

  9. 随着Mn掺杂量的增加,样品的晶格常数增大,样品的紫外发光峰先红移后蓝移。

    And with increasing Mn content , the lattice constant of samples increases , and the UV emission firstly red-shifts and then blue-shifts .

  10. 在激光器红移和蓝移静态调谐状态下,FM响应和频率交换是不同的。

    The FM response and frequency switching is different in static tuning regime of red-shifed and blue-shifed of lasers .

  11. 结果表明,Tb的掺入显著增强了多孔硅的发光强度,并且发光峰位出现蓝移。

    The luminescence intensity of porous silicon after doping Tb is greatly increased . Blue shift of luminescence peak was also observed .

  12. 较高占空比下沉积薄膜的CL谱有新的发光峰出现,退火后PL峰也明显蓝移。

    Cathodoluminescence appeared a new peak under high duty cycle of bias voltage . Photoluminescence would blue-shift after annealing .

  13. 能够观察到ZnO量子点光致发光光谱(PL)的蓝移,即说明具有量子限制效应。

    Room-temperature photoluminescence spectra reveal that the ZnO QDs exhibit a band gap blue shift because of the quantum confinement effects .

  14. UV-Vis透射光谱中观察到光吸收边相对于体相半导体有明显蓝移。

    A blue - shift of the optical absorption edge was observed from the UV-Vis transmission spectra .

  15. 随着阱宽的减少,来自ZnO层的发光峰出现明显的蓝移被认为是由量子限阈效应引起的。

    With decreasing of the ZnO layer thickness , the emission band from ZnO layer show a distinct blue-shift due to quantum confinement effect .

  16. 实验中发现所制备的纳米Al2O3的红外光谱存在吸收峰的蓝移和宽化,对出现此现象的原因进行了分析讨论。

    The blue shift and broadening of absorption peak were observed , and the causes of these phenomena were discussed .

  17. Cl~-离子修饰Ce~(3+)掺杂SiO2材料发光峰的蓝移

    Blue Shift of Luminescence of Cl ~ - Ions-Decorated Ce ~ ( 3 + ) - Doped Silica

  18. 量子尺寸效应使得SAPO-34笼中的ZnO纳米粒子的荧光光谱在近紫外区的发射谱峰有明显的蓝移。

    Owing to the quantum-size effect , the emission peaks of the nano-ZnO particles are blue-shifted distinctly .

  19. UV-Vis显示,Ho发生稍微的蓝移,蓝移不明显,禁带宽度增大不多。

    UV-Vis show , Ho has moved slightly blue , blue-shift is not obvious , not much band width increases .

  20. 实验证明,与花菁溶液的光谱相较,LB多层膜出现明显的蓝移现象。

    By comparison with spectrum of cyanine solution , LB film showed clear blue shift .

  21. 存放和退火试验表明,光致发光(PL)谱峰位不蓝移,强度不衰减。

    The blue shift and degrading of the photoluminescence ( PL ) were not observed when stored and annealed in ambient air .

  22. 与块体TiO2相比,其本征吸收带出现蓝移和展宽,本文对此原因进行了分析。

    Comparing with bulk TiO 2 , the intrinsic absorption band shows blue shift and widening , and the reasons are also discussed in the paper .

  23. Tm掺杂导致样品的紫外吸收能力略有降低,光吸收带边蓝移。

    Tm-doping could result in both a slight decrease of their light absorption performance in ultraviolet region and a blue shift of their optical absorption edge .

  24. 实验结果表明,用旋涂法实现的PMMA固化后再与多孔硅复合而制得的样品的结果最好,它与原始的多孔硅样品相比,发光峰发生了蓝移而且发光强度下降很小。

    Photoluminescence of porous silicon and PS / PMMA composites was investigated . The result shows that the spin coating method is better relatively .

  25. 同时随着Mg含量的增加,样品的(111)峰位向大角度方向移动,吸收边和发光峰的蓝移也增加,蓝移说明了带隙的展宽。

    As Mg concentration increases ,〈 111 〉 peak moves toward large angle , and blue shift of both the absorption edge and PL peak becomes increasingly pronounced , indicating the band-gap widening .

  26. 实验表明,多孔硅电致发光峰位会随着阳极氧化电流密度的增大、腐蚀时间的延长以及HF酸浓度的降低而蓝移。

    It was shown that the electroluminescence ( EL ) peaks shifted to the blue with the increasing of current density , erosion time and solution concentration .

  27. 在10K的PL谱可以观察到明显的蓝移现象,表明量子点中较强的量子限制效应。

    From PL Spectrum under 10 K obvious blue shift was observed induced by strong quantum confinement effect .

  28. CO和NO吸附后振动频率分别发生蓝移和红移,本研究首次提出了导致CO频率蓝移和NO红移的电荷转移与σ键弯曲机理。

    The vibration frequencies of C-O and N-O exhibit blue shift and red shift after adsorption respectively , we first give the mechanism of charge transfer and σ bond bend to explain the situation .

  29. 对实验吸收边蓝移量与有效质量模型的蓝移量的悬殊差别、俘获态PL谱的形成以及PL谱线的特征作了解释。

    The great discrepancy between the absorption blue shifts from experiment and effective mass model as well as the formation and characteristics of photoluminescence spectra are explained .

  30. 光致发光(PL)结果显示了Mn的掺杂引起了薄膜的带边发射蓝移,强度减弱,紫光发射几乎消失,但绿光发射增强。

    Photoluminescence results show that Mn atoms doping induce the blue-shift of UV emission . At the same time the intensity of UV emission decreases , while green emission increases .