
zhè táng
  • sucrose;sugar;cane sugar;saccharose;saccharobiose
蔗糖 [zhè táng]
  • [sugar] 甘蔗制成的糖

蔗糖[zhè táng]
  1. 可溶性总糖、蔗糖、Pro、Na+和Cl-含量,相互之间呈正相关、显著和极显著的正相关。

    There were positive correlation , significant or extremely significant positive correlation among concentrations of SS , saccharose , Pro , Na + and Cl - .

  2. 在CsCl中的浮密度为1.36~1.38g/cm2;在蔗糖梯度中的沉降系数为162S。

    Its buoyant density in CsCl was 1.36-1.38g/cm3 and itS sedimentation coefficient in saccharose gradients was 162S .

  3. 这些含糖饮料中的糖分包括蔗糖、高果糖浆、或其他富含卡路里的甜味剂。

    Sugar in such sweetened beverages , or other caloric sweeteners .

  4. 棉花糖虽然是丝状的,但是它是用一种颗粒状的晶体--蔗糖制作而成。

    Cotton candy is filamentous , but it is a granular crystal-sugar produced .

  5. 例如藓类颈卵器(雌性器官)分泌蔗糖

    For example , the archegonium ( female organ ) of the moss Funaria secretes sucrose .

  6. 元气森林承诺,从2月4日起生产的大部分乳茶和3月18日起生产的全部乳茶,包装从原来的“0蔗糖”改为“低糖”。

    Genki Forest promised to replace the packaging claim of “ sucrose-free ” with “ low sugar ” on some of its milk tea produced since Feb 4 and all milk tea produced since Mar 18 .

  7. 蔗糖酶和GOD的共固定化研究

    Study about Co-immobilized Sucrase and GOD

  8. 蔗糖质量分数和pH值对樟子松花粉发芽率的影响

    Influence of sucrose quality fraction and pH level on pollen germination rate of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica

  9. 该酶水解蔗糖最适温度为55℃、最适pH值为4.5。

    The optimum temperature and pH of the sucrose hydrolysis were at 55 ℃ and pH 4.5 , respectively .

  10. 普伐他汀组(P):高蔗糖饲料喂养12周,后4周每天加喂普伐他汀每只5mg/kg。

    Or ( 3 ) high-sucrose diet for 12 weeks supplemented by pravastatin ( 5mg . kg-1 . d-1 ) for the last 4 weeks .

  11. 针对蔗糖结晶过程的控制特点,设计模糊自适应PID控制器。

    The fuzzy self-adaptive PID controller was designed according to the characteristic of sugar crystal process in this paper .

  12. BA对花生叶片蔗糖和淀粉代谢有关酶活性的影响

    Effects of benzyladenine on enzymatic activities of sucrose and starch metabolism in peanut leaves

  13. 以MS(蔗糖3%、琼脂0.8%、pH值5.8)培养基为基本培养基。

    With MS ( sucrose 3 % , agar 0.8 % , pH 5.8 ) culture medium as the basic medium .

  14. 用高蔗糖饲料喂养雄性SD大鼠,诱发高胰岛素血症及胰岛素抵抗。

    We fed male SD rats with high sucrose diet to induce hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance .

  15. CA与PSR、蔗糖、可溶性糖;

    CA and PSR , sucrose , soluble sugar contents ;

  16. Vc和蔗糖对该色素没有破坏作用,并有一定的护色效果;

    Vc and sucrose had better effects on stability of red pigment , and showed colour maintenance effect .

  17. 采后花瓣中CAT、可溶性总糖和蔗糖均为下降。

    The activity of catalase ( CAT ) and soluble sugar and sucrose contents in control group throughout vase-life were reduced .

  18. 蔗糖基聚合物(Sucrose-basedpolymer,SBP)就是其中之一。

    Sucrose-based polymer ( SBP ) is the one of them .

  19. 脱色后产品进行HPLC分析,其产品的低聚糖组成为:棉籽糖含量为6.21%,水苏糖为22.91%,蔗糖为70.88%。

    The syrup after decoloring is composed of sucrose 70.88 % , raffinose 6.21 % , stachyose 22.91 % analyzed by HPLC .

  20. 蔗糖作驱动液浓缩PEG后配制发酵液,可避免后续高能耗的反渗透处理。

    Sucrose solution can be used as raw materials of fermentation , so to eliminate the subsequent reverse osmosis treatment .

  21. 在玉米吐丝期,与不施肥处理相比,处理C、处理D和处理F的蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)活性都有所提高。

    In corn silking stage , compared with the no fertilizer treatment , the activity of SPS in C , D , F treatments were increased .

  22. 将冷冻-解冻后的琼脂包被孵出胚泡分两组,分别置于12%蔗糖液(A)和磷酸缓冲液(B)中进行2分切割。

    Hatched blastocysts embedded with agar were frozen , thawed and then bisected in 12 % sucrose in distilled water ( group A ) and phosphate buffered saline ( PBS , group B ) .

  23. 采用蔗糖梯度离心法分离HL-60细胞的胞膜、胞浆和胞核;

    Using sucrose gradient centrifugation to separate the membrane , the cytoplasm and the nuclei of HL-60 cells .

  24. 蔗茎N∶P∶K和叶片N/P和N/K也是影响该蔗区蔗糖分的原因之一。

    N : P : K rates of sugarcane stalk and N / P or N / K rates of sugarcane leaf is one of the factors which affected sugar content of sugarcane .

  25. Sucraseisomaltase(SI,蔗糖酶异麦芽糖酶复合物,EC3.2.1.48-10),是动物体内很重要的二糖酶,位于小肠刷状缘细胞膜上。

    Sucrase-isomaltase ( SI , EC ) is an important disaccharidase , lies in intestinal brush border membrane .

  26. 蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)与果实品质及成熟衰老的研究进展

    Research Advances in the Relationships of Sucrose Phosphate Synthase ( SPS ) with Fruit Quality and Maturity and Senescence

  27. 以玉米胚根为试材,初步研究了光、GA3、蔗糖对根中花色素苷积累的影响。

    Effects of light , GA3 and sucrose on anthocyanin accumulation in maize roots were investigated .

  28. 林木胸径生长与土壤脲酶、微生物量C、有机C和PH呈极显著相关,土壤蛋白酶、过氧化氢酶和蔗糖酶与土壤PH值呈显著或极显著相关。

    Soil PH with protease enzyme 、 catalase enzyme 、 invertase enzyme had very significant or significant correlation . The DBH with soil urea enzyme 、 MB-C 、 SOC and PH all had significant correlation .

  29. 以蔗糖和猪油为原料,以N,N&二甲基甲酰胺为溶剂,在碱催化剂作用下,直接进行酯交换反应合成了蔗糖酯。

    This process relates to a sucrose esters prepared by the direct ester exchange reaction of sucrose with fat oil as a raw material and at present of solvent N , Ndimethylformamide and base catalyst .

  30. 蔗糖酶只在棉花的出苗期和现蕾期呈现出较高的活性,并且随着施菌浓度的增加而增加,CKⅠⅡⅢ。

    Sucrase out only in the cotton seedling and budding showed high activity , and with the applied strain increased with increasing concentration , CK ⅰⅱⅲ .