
  • 网络Tsai Ing-wen;Tsai Ying-Wen;Ying-Wen Tsai
  1. 阿扁的继任者蔡英文,作为“绿营”的领袖人物,在一月的总统选举中颇有与马英九分庭抗礼之势。

    Mr Chen 's successor as leader of the greens , Tsai Ing-wen , is running against Mr Ma in the presidential election in January .

  2. 对于恢复其政党的团结和自信,蔡英文取得相当大的进展。

    MS Tsai made considerable progress in restoring the unity and confidence of her party .

  3. 蔡英文昨痛批马的说法是刻意扭曲,本末倒置。

    Cai Yingwen yesterday the pain approved horse 's view is twists desirably , puts the cart before the horse .

  4. 两位主要候选人看起来都开始向中间路线靠拢:蔡英文强调与大陆建立负责任的关系,马英九则软化了之前亲大陆的姿态。

    Both main candidates are seen to have moved to the centre , with Ms Tsai stressing responsible relations with Beijing and Mr Ma softening his perceived pro-Beijing stance .

  5. (过分热烈支持马英九实际上可能会促使一些台湾人投票给别人。)此外,大陆学者总结称,蔡英文不太可能过分扰乱台海现状。

    ( Too strident support for Mr Ma could actually encourage some Taiwanese to vote the other way . ) Besides , Chinese academics have concluded that Ms Tsai is unlikely to rock the cross-strait boat too much .