
  • 网络Pteridium;pteris;Cooksonia;Horneophyton
  1. 其中凤尾蕨属(Pteris)29种4变种,孢子三裂缝,辐射对称;

    Among them , 29 species 4 variety belong to the genus Pteris .

  2. 凤尾蕨属植物孢子的形态稳定,种间差异明显,但孢子形态特征与孢子体的形态特征是不相关的。

    The spore morphology of Pteris is stable , and the difference between species is distinct , but the features of spore and sporophyte are not related .

  3. 鳞毛蕨属Dryopteris为多系类群,耳蕨属Polystichum和贯众属Cyrtomium均为并系类群。

    Cyrtomium and Polystichum are both resolved as paraphyletic , and Dryopteris polyphyletic ;

  4. 通过对凤丫蕨属(ConiogrammeFee)腊叶标本的形态学研究,重点探讨凤丫蕨属关键性状的变异规律及评价其分类学意义,结合孢粉学分析,对凤丫蕨属的分类进行了修订。

    By means of morphology study on Coniogramme Fee specimens , the variation pattern of their key characteristics was discussed and their taxonomic significance was evaluated mainly in this paper . The taxonomic revision of the genus Coniogramme Fee was conducted combining with the palynology analysis . 1 .

  5. 中国西部耳蕨属新资料

    New materials of the fern genus Polystichum Roth from Western China

  6. 报道了蹄盖蕨属耳蕨状蹄盖蕨组植物2系8种;

    Two series and eight species of genus Athyrium Sect .

  7. 北京鳞毛蕨属孢子形态研究

    Study of Spore Morphology of Dryopteris Adans in Beijing Area

  8. 中国产蕗蕨属(膜蕨科)的分类学修订

    Taxonomic Revision of the Fern Genus Mecodium ( Hymenophyllaceae ) from China

  9. 前言:目的:对鳞毛蕨属植物化学成分的研究进展进行综述。

    Objective : To review the chemical studies progress of genus Dryopteris .

  10. 凤丫蕨属6种植物叶表皮特征的研究

    The Leaf Epidermis Characteristics of Six Species of Coniogramme

  11. 组成了马蹄蕨属;主要是热带厚囊蕨的一科带有巨叶。

    Constituting the order Marattiales : chiefly tropical eusporangiate ferns with gigantic fronds .

  12. 中国蹄盖蕨属(蹄盖蕨科)的分类学修订

    A Taxonomic Revision of the Fern Genus Athyrium Roth s. Str. from China

  13. 裸蕨属的一种植物或化石。

    Any plant or fossil of the genus Psilophyton .

  14. 中国蹄盖蕨属植物的区系地理学研究

    Analysis of floristic geography of Chinese Athyrium Roth

  15. 特别在以前的一些植物分类中经常归入铁角蕨属。

    Classification used in some especially former systems for plants usually placed in genus Asplenium .

  16. 鳞毛蕨属的一种蕨类植物。

    A fern of the genus dryopteris .

  17. 中国云南鳞毛蕨属(鳞毛蕨科)13种植物的染色体数目

    Chromosome numbers of 13 species in the genus Dryopteris ( Dryopteridaceae ) from Yunnan , China

  18. 东半球热带地区的有如冬青般叶子的光泽的蕨类;有时归为光叶蕨属。

    Tropical Old World fern having glossy fronds suggestive of holly ; sometimes placed in genus Polystichum .

  19. 有时包括在球子蕨属内的一个小属;在一些分类中,这两类都归入水龙骨科。

    Small genus sometimes included in genus Onoclea ; in some classifications both genera are placed in Polypodiaceae .

  20. 芦蹄草属多年生常青植物。中国蹄盖蕨属植物的区系地理学研究

    Any of several evergreen perennials of the genus Pyrola . Analysis of floristic geography of Chinese Athyrium Roth

  21. 碎米蕨属的陆生植物;生长于全球干旱和半干旱温带或热带地区。

    Any of various terrestrial ferns of the genus Cheilanthes ; cosmopolitan in arid and semi-arid temperate or tropical regions .

  22. 陆生的热带蕨属,叶下面呈淡黄色或白色,粉状;有时归入水龙骨科或裸子蕨科。

    Terrestrial tropical ferns having fronds with powdery yellowish or white undersides ; sometimes placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae .

  23. 结果:到目前为止已从鳞毛蕨属植物中分离出间苯三酚类化合物58种,萜类化合物13种,黄酮类化合物4种,而且该属植物具有多种生理活性。

    Results : 58 Phloroglucinol derivatives , 13 terpenoids and 4 flavonoids were isolated and identified from plants of genus Dryopteris .

  24. 双重权自适应线谱增强器中国及邻近地区线蕨属的分类研究

    An Adaptive Line Enhancer with Two Stages of Weighting Taxonomic studies of the genus Colysis C. Presl ( Polypodiaceae ) from China and neighboring regions

  25. 从孢子形态上看,栗蕨属与凤尾蕨属有很大差异,将其放在一个科中不合适。

    The spore morphology of Histiopteris and Pteris is very differential , put genus Histiopteris in family Pteridaceae is not suitable , according to the feature of spore morphology .

  26. 在某些分类系统中细分的水龙骨科成员的一个科;乌毛蕨属;水龙骨属;狗脊属。

    One of a number of families into which the family Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems ; includes genera blechnum ; doodia ; sadleria ; stenochlaena ; woodwardia .

  27. 介蕨属孢子单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形,赤道面观为半圆形或肾形。方法将已配制的生物蛋白胶涂在腭裂双侧松弛切口及裸露创面,达到完全封闭状态。

    The spores are monolete , bilaterally symmetric , elliptic in polar view , and semiorbicular or reniform in equatorial view . Method FG was distributed on the bone surfaces and the lateral palate incisions after suturing the palate flaps .

  28. 早泥盆世始叶蕨(新属)及叶子起源的讨论

    A New Lower Devonian genus from yunnan , with notes on the origin of leaf

  29. 马蹄蕨科的模式属;孢子囊排成两列的蕨类植物。

    Type genus of the Marattiaceae : ferns having the sporangia fused together in two rows .

  30. 裸蕨科的模式属;古生代植物,为小而坚韧的草木,具地下根状茎和顶生的孢子囊群。

    Type genus of the Psilophytaceae : genus of small wiry herbaceous Paleozoic plants with underground rhizomes and apical sporangia .