
ǒu sī
  • Lotus root silk;lotus root fiber
藕丝 [ǒu sī]
  • [fibres of lotus root] 藕中纤维

  1. DSC分析发现藕丝的玻璃化转变温度在43℃左右,而红外光谱则显示藕纤维主要含多糖物质。

    DSC result indicated that lotus root fiber has a glass transform temperature at about 43 ℃, and FTIR spectrum showed this natural fiber is rich in polysaccharides .

  2. 藕丝单独成卷及梳理成条均较困难,所以采取棉包混和。

    Single lapping and carding to form silver of lotus root fiber is difficult , so bales mixing is adopted .

  3. 棉/藕丝混纺纱的开发

    The development of cotton / lotus root silk blended yarn

  4. 图5藕丝的形态及其上的条状凸起(箭头)。

    Fig.5 The shape of lotus root silks , showing the strip of protrusion ( arrow ) .

  5. 该产品采用藕丝纤维与棉混纺,纤维的特性得到优化、互补,形成独特的产品风格。

    The product which forms peculiar style is blended of cotton with lotus root silk , characteristic of the fibers being optimized and complemented .

  6. 介绍了棉/藕丝混纺纱的开发研制过程、主要工艺及产品性能特点。

    The paper introduces the development of cotton / lotus root silk blended yarn and its main process technology and the features of this product .

  7. 棉与藕丝混纺纱系列产品,布面粗犷、朴素、自然,与我国独特的手工织物风格相似,市场前景广阔。

    Cotton lotus root fiber blending yarn series products have the property of savage style , simple style and natural style . Its style has similarity with our special manual fabric and has spacious prospect .