
hǔ xué
  • tiger's den;tigers den;a tiger's cave-- a dangerous place
虎穴 [hǔ xué]
  • [tigers den] 老虎洞,喻危险之地

  • 虎穴追踪

虎穴[hǔ xué]
  1. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子?

    How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger 's lair ?; Nothing venture , nothing have .

  2. 没有人敢闯虎穴。

    Nobody dared to enter the den of tigers .

  3. 不入虎穴焉得虎子。

    The only way to catch tiger cubs is to go into tiger 's den .

  4. 校园里的虎穴商店(Tiger’sDen)这一学年卖出了800只口罩。

    The Tiger 's Den , the campus store , has sold 800 this school year alone .

  5. 要吃胡桃肉,先砸胡桃壳。(不入虎穴,焉得虎子。)

    He that will eat the nut must first crack the shell .

  6. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。不吃苦,哪能会有收获

    " Nothing venture , nothing have . No pains , no gains "

  7. 中国有句老话:“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”。

    There is an old saying in china : " nothing ventured " .

  8. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子&成功不是送上门的,我们必须付出牺牲。

    Success without Sacrifice – Success doesn 't find us , we find it .

  9. 可是,不入虎穴,焉得虎子呀。

    Well , nothing ventured , nothing gained .

  10. 不丹王国的虎穴寺

    Takstang Monastery in the Kingdom of Bhutan

  11. 我信奉不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

    I believe in making your bets .

  12. “不入虎穴,焉得虎子”这句话说得千真万确。

    It is quit true that " nothing is ventured , nothing is gained " .

  13. 但上世纪90年代,洛城当局启动了长期的重建计划不入虎穴焉得虎子

    But in the 1990s , LA authorities begin the long process of restoring it .

  14. 1692年,此地修筑了虎穴寺,以纪念不丹最重要的圣地之一。

    The monastery followed in 1692 , built to mark one of the most holy sites in Bhutan .

  15. 但是小裁缝并不气馁。“不如虎穴,焉得虎子。”他还是很开心的说道。

    But the young tailor wasn 't to be daunted . " Nothing venture , nothing win ," he commented cheerfully .

  16. 我决定自己当老板,这是一种赌博。不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

    I 'm going to be my own boss ; it is short of gambling , no risk , no gain .

  17. (谚)不入虎穴,焉得虎子。叫他们小心些,不要马马虎虎。

    Nothing venture , nothing have ( win ) . Ask them to be more careful . Don 't let them get slack .

  18. 两人从喜马拉雅跋涉到不丹的虎穴寺,在镜头前两人微笑拍下了这张照片。

    In the photo the Duke and Duchess are seen smiling before the camera during their Himalayan trek to Bhutan 's Tiger Nest monastery .

  19. 我把最好的寺院——虎穴寺留到最后。这座寺院嵌在10200英尺(3109米)高的悬崖壁上。

    I save the best temple for last , the Tiger 's Nest Monastery , 24 ) nestled 10200 feet high on the side of a cliff .

  20. 中国有句古话:“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”,这句话对于人们的实践是真理,对于认识论也是真理。

    There is an old Chinese saying ," How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger 's lair " This saying holds true for man 's practice and it also holds true for theory knowledge .

  21. 6月5日,常州市江苏淹城野生动物世界的游客在看到一头驴被几只老虎活活吃掉后,更多的是感到害怕而非快乐,此前这头驴被逼到一条靠近虎穴的河边。

    Visitors to Jiangsu Yancheng Wild Animal World in Changzhou on June 5 were more terrified than amused when they saw a donkey eaten alive by tigers , after the donkey was pushed into a river near the tigers ' den .

  22. 不入虎穴焉得虎子这又是一个很多人不能领会的残酷现实:如果你不能冒险,想实现你所追求的就会更加困难。

    You can 't accomplish great things without taking great risks 。 Here 's another harsh truth many people have trouble grasping : if you don 't take risks you will have a lot harder time accomplishing what you want in life .

  23. 据传,将佛教带到不丹的莲花生大师骑着一只会飞的雌虎来到此地。1692年,此地修筑了虎穴寺,以纪念不丹最重要的圣地之一。

    According to legend , Guru Rinpoche , who is credited with bringing Buddhism to Bhutan , was carried here on the back of a flying tigress . The monastery followed in 1692 , built to mark one of the most holy sites in Bhutan .