
  • 网络Virtual community
  1. 近年来,网络带动虚拟社群迅速发展。

    In recent years , internet has led the rapid development of virtual communities .

  2. 虚拟社群在健康知识分享行为上具有实体社群无可比拟的优势。

    Compared to physical communities , virtual communities have an unparalleled advantage in knowledge sharing of health behavior .

  3. 因此,虚拟社群最大的挑战是如何增进社群成员的知识分享意愿[1](Chiuetal.,2006)。

    Therefore , the biggest challenge for a virtual community is to encourage its members ' knowledge sharing intention [ 1 ] ( Chiu et al . , 2006 ) .

  4. 最后指出了拍卖网站应以用户为核心,提出了虚拟社群的经营发展策略。

    And development strategies for virtual community are put forward .

  5. 论网络书店经营策略中的虚拟社群构建

    On the Construction of Virtual Group in the Management Strategies of Internet Bookstore

  6. 虚拟社群的口碑推荐过程中,人际关系强度对使用意愿的改变没有直接的影响。

    There is no direct influence between strength of the relationship and the intention to use .

  7. 而这些虚拟社群最显著的特点就是信息传播的人际化。

    And the most significant of these virtual communities of information communication is characterized by " interpersonal oriented " .

  8. 这事件原本只在虚拟社群里被广泛讨论。

    The public discussion that the incident sparked off was confined initially to the virtual community in which the video clip was posted .

  9. 网络用户游离于现实社群和虚拟社群之间,交叉并置、相互映照,衍生出更宽泛的交互向度。

    Network users drift between practical and virtual social groups , their collocation and shining upon one another derive more extensive degree of interactive orientation .

  10. 在定义了虚拟社群的基础上,将网格系统划分为对等的虚拟社群,设计了基于对等虚拟社群的路由算法。

    It divides grid system into P2P virtual community based on the definition of virtual community , and designs the routing algorithm of virtual community .

  11. 本研究贡献有二点:第一、本研究采用结构理論,运用在线上游戏,說明线上游戏经营者与使用者动态的交互关系,对虚拟社群经营与发展的影响。

    First , we use structure theory to capture the behavior of on-line game company and players , and describe the interaction and conflict between them .

  12. 论文首先从虚拟社群的要素、知识管理、社会性软件等角度讨论了虚拟社群的社会网络的形成。

    The thesis discussed the forming of social network of virtual community from the angles of elements of virtual community , knowledge management and social software .

  13. 意见领袖把持着虚拟社群中的关键话语权,因此加强意见领袖的社群承诺研究具有很强的实践意义。

    Opinion leaders hold the key right to the virtual community discourse , therefore strengthen the research of community commitment of the opinion leaders has a strong practical significance .

  14. 依据对等网络所具有的小世界特性和幂律分布特性的理论基础,提出了基于对等虚拟社群的网格系统。

    This paper advances the grid system based on peer-to-peer ( for short P2P ) virtual community , according to small world property and power law property of P2P network .

  15. 结果:286名大学生网络使用的主要动机类型为:社会交往动机、虚拟社群动机、自我肯定动机、商品资讯动机、匿名交往动机、社会性学习动机。

    Results : The main Internet using motivations of 286 college students are motivations of social contacting , virtual community , self-confidence , products information , anonymous contacting and social studying .

  16. 结果1大学生网络使用的虚拟社群动机、匿名交往动机、自我肯定动机和商品资讯动机与网络成瘾呈正相关;

    Results ( 1 ) The scores of college students in internet using motivation of the virtual social contact 、 anonymous contacting 、 self-confidence and products information were positively correlated with internet addiction .

  17. 在网民们积极的网络行为背后,一种新的社会群体形态&虚拟社群正逐渐成型,与之相伴的则是虚拟环境下的人际互动。

    As a result of internet users ' behaviors on the network , a new form of social groups - a " virtual community " is gradually forming , accompanied by virtual environment interaction .

  18. 应用协同商务时应注意实现企业管理系统的集成、选择合适的协同模式、建立良好的虚拟社群,真正实现协同商务和互动管理。

    In order to be real to realizes collaborative commerce and co-management , should notice : implement integration of the enterprise management system , choice the adaptive collaborative model and set up good virtual community .

  19. 许多人参与虚拟社群是因为寻找信息来解决生活的问题,因此虚拟社群若没有丰富的信息内容,其存在价值将是受限的。

    Many people now log on virtual communities for finding information to solve problems in daily life . So if the content of information of a virtual community is insufficient , its value will be limited .

  20. 本文认为,微博客更多的是一种人际交流的平台,传播过程更多地体现为平台内的人际传播以及在此基础上形成的虚拟社群内的传播。

    This paper will come to one conclusion : the micro-blog is more of a platform for interpersonal communication , and the communication process takes more embodiment as interpersonal communication within the platform and the communication within the community .

  21. 第四,在本研究结论的基础上分析和讨论了:隐私的边界变化、虚拟社群在暴露隐私的过程中扮演的角色、暴露隐私的道德问题等。

    Fourth , based on the conclusions of previous chapters this study analyzed and discussed : the boundary changes of the privacy , the role of the virtual community in the process of privacy exposure , the ethics of privacy exposure .

  22. 青少年与虚拟社群里玩家关系密切,而与其家人之间的关系却日益疏远,亲子沟通变为饭桌会议,亲子矛盾冲突尤为突出。

    Teenagers prefer to play web games and have an intimate relationship with players in the virtual community , thus isolated from the family members , and the parent-child communication takes the form of table-meeting with the highlighted problem of parent-child conflicts .

  23. 尤其是随着网络的快速发展和广泛普及,其快速传播、及时的特点更为虚拟社群的建立提供了良好的平台,对品牌的虚拟社群的研究也更具时代性和参考性。

    With the rapid development of network , the rapid spread and timely spare provide a better platform of brand community , research of virtual community are more timely and referable . Theoretically , value of virtual brand community has distinct relationship with brand loyalty .

  24. 收集问卷并通过SPSS软件对虚拟品牌社群下社群互动对品牌忠诚的影响模型和相应的假设进行验证和修正。

    And verify and revise those models and hypothesis through analysis the impact of community members information interact on brand loyalty in the virtual brand community with SPSS .

  25. 消费者可以在地球的任何一个地方,任何时间都可以在虚拟品牌社群中讨论和获取自己需要的信息。

    Consumers can get those information what their need in a online brand community discussion , anywhere , anytime .

  26. 第三,要发挥实体品牌社群与虚拟品牌社群的同步发展,实现互补的效果。

    Third , we should exert physical brand community and virtual brand community synchronous development , to achieve a complementary effect .

  27. 本文构建虚拟品牌社群下社群成员信息互动对品牌忠诚的影响模型。

    Therefore , this article build model some assumptions with the impact of community members information interact on brand loyalty in the virtual brand community .

  28. 在这个平台下,主体、客体、共同体、工具、规则和分工共同构成了基于虚拟实践社群的教师隐性知识共享系统。

    Under this platform , subject , object , community , tools , rules and division of labor constitute the tacit knowledge sharing system based on virtual communities of practice .

  29. 因此,本文的主要研究平台&虚拟品牌社群很有理论价值和现实意义。虚拟品牌社群是利用互联网技术构建的虚拟网络平台,虚拟品牌社群具有它的特殊性、地域性和空间性。

    Therefore , this article main research platform & virtual brand community is a theoretical value and practical significance , online brand community is using Internet technology to construct the virtual network platform , it has its particularity : regional and spatiality .

  30. 本文试图从虚拟空间环境、虚拟主体、虚拟社群三个层次来观照虚拟环境中的人际互动,提出了虚拟环境下传播即关系的假设。

    It attempted to reflect virtual environment interaction from the three levels , which including : virtual spatial environment , virtual characters , virtual communities .