
  1. 这虞姬她怎么演,也得有一死。

    The concubine has to die one way or the other .

  2. 于是,这里又有一座虞姬墓。

    Hence the existence of another Tomb of Lady Yu .

  3. 张爱玲的小说《霸王别姬》中虞姬形象体现了女性主体意识觉醒的二重性。

    The character of Concubine Yu in Farewell , Concubine reflects the duality of the awakening of women 's subjective awareness .

  4. 女性主义文学及其批评的一种审察&以张爱玲《霸王别姬》中虞姬形象的个案分析为例

    Examining Feminist Literature and Its Criticism & Case Analysis of the Character of Concubine Yu in " Farewell , Concubine " by Zhang Ailing

  5. 梅兰芳恰如其分的舞台表演,将虞姬这个角色演绎的优美动人,使其成为中国戏剧舞台上最有魅力的人物之一。

    Mei 's talent as a performer is completely displayed in this masterpiece , making Yuji one of the most attractive characters on the Chinese opera stage .

  6. 最后通过对文本与历史-文化的互文指涉来分析虞姬身份建构及身份自我认同的根本原因。

    Finally , it analyzes the essential reasons of the identity construction of Yuji as the representative of confucian women and her self-identity by the intertextuality of text and history-culture context .

  7. 虞姬最后一次为霸王斟酒,最后一次为霸王舞剑,而后拔剑自刎,从一而终。

    For the very last time Concubine poured wine for her King , and danced for him with a sword , and cut her throat with it , faithful to the King unto death .

  8. 本文借助女性主义叙事学的性别叙事理论,结合文本叙述形态与叙述者的性别身份,主要对霸王别姬故事中虞姬的身份建构历程进行分析。

    Referring to the gender narration theory and combining with text narrative patterns and the gender of the tellers , the paper analyzes the gender and its construction course of Yuji in the stories .

  9. 我身边有一个美人,名字叫虞姬,她看到我的闷闷不乐,她不恐惧我的哀霜,常陪伴我喝酒。

    I nearby have a beauty , the name call worry Ji , she see my depressed and not talking much , she don 't fear my Ai frost and often keep company with me to drink .

  10. 然后选取经典文本,结合性别叙事理论进行文本细读,描述虞姬的社会身份建构史;

    Secondly , by selecting and reading classical texts , and combining gender narration theory , it describes how the texts produced female gender , in the other word , how the social identity of Yuji was constructed .