
  • 网络Zoea;zoaea
  1. 将抱卵蟹浸入PA液进行处理,受处理卵培育至蚤状幼体检测,最高诱导率2729%。

    In the PA treatment of pregnant crabs with fertilized eggs , the experiment results are as follows : the highest induction rate are 80.18 % in gastrula and 27.29 % in zoea .

  2. 1993年和1994年育苗期,在山东省十余家育苗场采集了亲虾、受精卵、无节幼体、蚤状幼体、糠虾幼体和仔虾等样品共56份。

    Samples including spawners , fertilized eggs , nauplius , zoea , mysis and postlarval were taken from more than ten hatcheries during larval rearing period in 1993-1994 in Shandong province .

  3. 从蚤状幼体到大眼幼体各期饵料的适宜投喂量,以其目最大摄食量的70%为宜。

    The biggest feeding dose per day at each stage from Zoaea to Megalopa is as good as 70 % .

  4. 在受精卵和氵蚤状幼体期无苹果酸脱氢酶酶带显示,卵裂期酶带数最多,酶活性相对也最强,以后随着发育的进行,酶带数和酶活性都有减弱的现象;

    No MDH enzyme bands were observed in fertilized eggs and at zoaea stages , while most bands and the strongest activities emerged at cleavage stages .

  5. 定活体培育条件下,锯缘青蟹幼体[氵蚤状幼体(Z5)、大眼幼体(M)]4种消化酶(蛋白酶、α-淀粉酶、纤维素酶和脂肪酶)比活力的昼夜变化。

    In this paper , studies were carried out on diel variations of four digestive enzyme ( protease , α amylase , cellulase and lipase ) activities in the larvae of mud crab , Scylla serrata , in artificial rearing .

  6. 中国对虾蚤状及糠虾幼体的蛋白质需求量

    Study on protein requirement of zoea larvae and mysis larvae of Penaeus chinensis