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  • a species of small clam living in fresh water
  • 软体动物,介壳形状像心脏,表面暗褐色,有轮状纹,内面色紫,栖淡水软泥中。肉可食,壳可入药。亦称“扁螺”。

  1. 水环境中Cd和Cu污染对监测生物河蚬积累效应的影响

    Accumulation Effects of Biomonitoring Indicator Asian Clam ( Corbicula fluminea ) Under Different Cd and Cu Pollution Conditions

  2. 结果表明,河蚬体内Zn和Cu的含量显著高于Cd、Cr和Pb的含量,且Zn和Cu含量之间呈显著的正相关关系。

    The results showed that Zn and Cu contents were much higher than Cd , Cr and Pb , and also there was significantly positive correlation between Zn and Cu contents .

  3. 在实验室条件下测定了温度、溶氧、放养密度胁迫对河蚬溶菌酶(LSZ)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响。

    Under laboratory condition , We determine the Lysozyme ( LSZ ) and Superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) activity in different stress of temperature , dissolved oxygen and density .

  4. 河蚬中活性蛋白CFp-a的分离纯化及其活性

    Isolation , purification and property study of active protein CFp-a in Corbicula fluminea

  5. 五香蚬肉干的加工工艺研究

    A Research into the Processing Technology of Dried Flavored Shellfish Meat

  6. 河蚬体内脂类抗菌物质及凝集素的研究

    Studies on the Lipid Antimicrobial Substances and Lectins of Corbicula Fluminea

  7. 3种氯酚类化合物对河蚬的毒性和氧化应激

    Toxicity and Oxidative Stress of Three Chlorophenols to Freshwater Clam Corbicula fluminea

  8. 而这场风暴的中心竟是无毒贝类生物--蚬。

    And it all centers on the innocuous shellfish - the pipi .

  9. 本文报道洪泽湖螺蚬资源的调查结果。

    The resources of Margarya and Corbicula in Hongze Lake were investigated .

  10. 河蚬的耗氧率和排氨率

    Oxygen consumption and ammonia excretory rate of the freshwater clam , Corbicula fluminea

  11. 通过对河蚬软体部分营养成分分析,综合评定其营养价值。

    The nutritive compositions in the soft part of Corbicula fluminea were analyzed .

  12. 篮蚬-环棱螺组合,为淡水半咸水类群。

    Corbicula-Bellamya assemblage , freshwater or brackish species .

  13. 季节变化和个体大小对河蚬积累重金属的影响

    Effects of Seasonal Variation and Individual Size on Heavy Metals Accumulation in Corbicula fluminea

  14. 河蚬软体部分营养成分分析及评价

    Analysis and Evaluation on the Nutritive Compositions in the Soft Part of Corbicula fluminea

  15. 闽江段蚬埕蚬仔重金属污染情况调查

    Investigation of Pollution of Heavy Metals to Corbicula and Corbicula Culture Zone in Min River

  16. 重金属镉和铜对河蚬呼吸和排泄的毒性研究

    Toxicity Effects of Cd and Cu on the Respiration and Excretion Metabolism of Asian Clam

  17. 荷兰皇家蚬壳石油有接近10万名员工,分布在大约135个国家。

    The Royal Dutch Shell Group has nearly 100,000 employees working in almost 135 countries .

  18. 河蚬乙酸乙酯提取物的抗氧化活性及其对人胆管癌细胞的抑制作用

    Antioxidation Effect and Inhibition Effect on Human Cholangiocarcinoma Cells of Corbicula fluminea Ethyl Acetate Extract

  19. 生物量优势种为刻纹蚬、萝卜螺和摇蚊。

    The biomass was mainly contributed by Corbicula largillierti , Radix sp. , and Chironomus sp.

  20. 好,先生,周打蚬汤、煎抄鲨鱼片和牛奶咖啡。

    Yes , sir . Clam chowder , fried fillet of sole and coffee with milk .

  21. 以清水彻底洗净蚬肉,直至没有沙粒排出。

    Wash the clams in plenty of running water until not a trace of sand is left .

  22. 水体腐殖酸影响下河蚬对低浓度镉的蓄积和释放

    The bioaccumulation and elimination under low concentration of cadmium from Asian clam ( Corbicula fluminea ) in the presence of humic acids

  23. 蚬壳石油如何处理文化差异,以便在不同的环境例如中国和日本,成功的发展业务?

    How does Shell manage these cultural differences to develop successful businesses in varied environments - for instance in China or Japan ?

  24. 到了热闹的夏季,一天就有数千人在金星湾最大的沙滩“一号滩”挖蚬。

    On a busy summer 's day , thousands of pipi harvesters dig up the main beach in search of the shellfish .

  25. 我国河蚬养殖面积大、产量高,其开发利用具有巨大的潜力。

    Farming area of Corbicula fluminea in China is large and its yield is high , its development and utilization has great potential .

  26. 目前,国内外学者对动物活性多糖的研究报道很多,但很少涉及河蚬多糖。

    There were many studies on animal polysaccharides of natural resources recently , but there were few reports on the Corbicula fluminea polysaccharides .

  27. 沥乾后置于高身平底锅上以猛火煮。将锅盖盖好,并轻轻执起摇煮,直至蚬壳全部打开。

    Drain well , put them in a heavy-based saucepan over high heat . Cover with lid and shake the pan until the clams have opened .

  28. 比较了河蚬的两种常见吸虫种类感染率的季节动态以及它们对河蚬的危害。

    The seasonal fluctuations about infectation percentage and the harm on the Corbicula fluminea ( M ü ller ) by two species of frequent trematode were comparised .

  29. 将蚬汁水,蕃茄汁,马钤薯,青椒,青葱及胡椒粉一同放入大煲煮滚。

    Combine clam juice mixture , clam-tomato juice cocktail , potatoes , bell peppers , scallions and black pepper in large saucepan ; heat to a boil .

  30. 任一种蚬蝶科的深色小蝴蝶,主要生活在热带地区,翅上有彩条或彩点。

    Any of several small , darkly colored butterflies of the family Riodinidae , occurring mainly in tropical regions and having iridescent lines or spots on the wings .
