
shé fū zuò
  • ophiuchus;Serpent Bearer
  1. 金牛座、蛇夫座中分子云的热性质和年轻星体的演化状态

    Thermal Characters of Molecular Clouds and Evolutionary States of Young Stars in the Taurus and Ophiuchus

  2. 据《天体物理学》杂志报道,这颗行星系围绕红矮星沃尔夫1061旋转的三颗行星之一,这三颗行星都处于蛇夫座当中。

    The planet , reported in the Astrophysical Journal Letters , is one of three detected orbiting a small red dwarf star called Wolf 1061 in the constellation Ophiuchus .

  3. 从业余爱好者放大倍率更高的望远镜看去,尘埃遮掩了银河系中心,色彩斑斓的心大星和蛇夫座区域在右侧发出光芒。

    In the much higher magnification of an amateur telescope , dust obscures the galaxy 's center , while the colorful Antares and Rho Ophiuchi regions shine at right .

  4. 你们被邀请【打开你们的心灵】并且成为这次再校准的一份子,这将是个人层面的再校准,进入到治疗与支持的能量中,那将通过【蛇夫座】作为预示的典型。

    You are invited to Open your Heart and be Part of this Recalibration , which will be a personal recalibration into the energies of Healing and Support that are archetypally signified by Ophiuchus .