
  • 网络Snake Oil;Snake-Oil
  1. 他们会反应好像你是在贩卖蛇油。

    They 'll react as if you 're selling snake oil .

  2. 促进毛发再生的方法自古埃及以来便已存在,当时人们采用的材料包括蛇油或处女经血等。

    Methods to encourage the regrowth of hair have been around since the time of ancient Egypt , when techniques included the application of snake oil or the menstrual blood of virgins .

  3. 蛇油中脂肪酸成分的GC-MS研究

    The Study on the Composition of Fatty Acids in Snake Oils

  4. 过去那些被称为蛇油的没用药物,现在已经被展现潜力的产品所取代。

    Useless potions from the past , called snake oils , have now been replaced with products that show potential .

  5. 此外还有蛇油和青蛙油,以及用濒危的亚马逊玳瑁制成的各种饮剂和肥皂。

    Also available are snake and frog oils and an array of potions and soaps made from the endangered Amazon turtle .

  6. 眼镜蛇蛇油中甘油三酸酯的成分研究

    Study on Composition of Triglycerides from Snake Oil of Naja Naja