
wō jū
  • humble abode;live in humble abode
蜗居 [wō jū]
  • (1) [humble abode]∶比喻极为狭小的居室

  • 陋巷蜗居

  • (2) [live in humble abode]∶住在狭小的居室里

  • 这正是他蜗居多年的斗室

蜗居[wō jū]
  1. 便也就天天蜗居在这个仅供容纳一个我的地方!

    It every day in this humble abode only for accommodate a my place !

  2. 一浪高过一浪的房地产投资开发热潮更使得蜗居时代的人们把更多的目光聚焦在与之息息相关的土地之上。

    More and more " humble abode " era people focus on the land which is closely related with the surge of real estate investment and development boom .

  3. 交易确认是一只毛茸茸的老鼠,蜗居在华尔街一个毫不起眼的角落,也就是运营与后台部门(OperationsandBackOffice)阴暗的墙角。

    Trade affirmation is a small furry rodent that inhabits the musty shadows of an un-sexy corner of Wall Street known as operations and back office .

  4. 从有钱的CEO(总裁)到蜗居的园艺工人,每个人都有自己最爱的球队。

    Everybody had a favorite team they were following , from the fat-cat CEO to his shack-dwelling gardener .

  5. 32岁的加拿大福音歌手奥莉维亚•波瑞尔(OliviaBurrell)再也无法忍受自己在东京的蜗居,她躺在床上,都能看到自己的厨房并闻到厨房里传来的味道。

    Olivia Burrell , a32-year-old Canadian gospel singer , was fed up with living in Lilliputian studio apartments in Tokyo where she could see ( and smell ) her kitchen from her bed .

  6. 正在中国走红的电视连续剧《蜗居》(DwellingNarrowness)描写了姐妹两人在繁华的大都市上海经受的各种困难,将镜头对准了大城市中不那么光鲜的房奴的一面:房价的上涨、以及由此给年轻人的理想造成的巨大打击。

    Dwelling Narrowness , ' a hit TV series about the struggles of two sisters to make it in the dynamic metropolis of Shanghai , focuses on a decidedly less glamorous aspect of in the big city : rising property prices , and they havoc this wreaks on youthful ambitions .

  7. 你忍心蜗居在不到10平米的小屋里吗?

    Do you have the heart to live in a10-square-meter room ?

  8. 从事商业就自然成为蜗居于西安城内的回族的主要经济活动。

    Xian Huis main economic activity is engaging in business .

  9. 成名之前,他就蜗居在那个简陋的地方。

    Before he became popular , he quartered in that shabby place .

  10. 蜗居井底的人一定有着悲惨的人生。

    People living in such a hole must have a miserable life .

  11. 你们这个蜗居怎么可能再容下一个孩子呢?

    How can you even fit another child in this shoe box ?

  12. 不过,蜗居在这里也有一些令张琪感到不习惯的地方。

    However , living in the capsule has taken some getting used to for Zhang .

  13. 一个月3450元的工资,在北京我可能连蜗居就买不到。

    With a 3450 yuan monthly salary , I cannot even afford a doghouse in Beijing .

  14. 我也知道'蜗居'的滋味。

    I know that'dwelling'the taste .

  15. 梦幻象征雾化现实&宗璞短篇《蜗居》的构思艺术

    Illusion Symbolizing Reality : The Artistic Design of Zong Pu 's Short Story Living Like a Snail

  16. 蜗居丑陋、肮脏或气氛压抑的居住地创造力被经济上的重重压力抑制住了。

    An ugly , squalid , or depressing dwelling . Creativity is being strangled by financial pressures .

  17. 当你独自蜗居在家、感到心情抑郁时,何不出门多接触大自然?

    If you 're home alone and feeling down , walk outside and spend some time with nature .

  18. 电视剧《蜗居》热播过后,理性的思考紧随而来。

    After a popular broadcasting of the TV series " Dwelling Narrowness ", a rational reflection on it ensues .

  19. 今天中午吃饭时把《蜗居》看完了。

    Today I finished watching the whole set of the teleplay named " Living in Small " at noon .

  20. 疯子,是蜗居于狭小的世界里,却以为它很大的人;

    The lunatic is the man who lives in a small world but thinks it is a large one ;

  21. 住的,我从以前的蜗居搬到一个相当大的房子。

    For housing , I have moved from a cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat .

  22. 为了立足我努力工作,蜗居于狭小的公寓,吃了许多速食面。

    I worked really hard to gain my footing , living in tiny apartments and eating a lot of ramen .

  23. 无法获得家庭帮助的人被迫蜗居,或者忍受很远距离的通勤;

    people who receive no help from their families are forced to live in cramped quarters or commute very long distances ;

  24. 可是有时加州监狱在押犯人数量是这个的两倍之多,囚犯就蜗居在体育馆的双层床上。

    But California 's prisons have at times housed twice as many , with inmates stacked in bunk beds in gymnasiums .

  25. 夜幕笼罩,那散落一地的万家灯火中,有多少寻常的幸福正蜗居在巷陌

    When darkness falls , among those scattered myriads of twinkling lights , there must be many simple happiness dwelling in the lanes

  26. 两夫妻一个月9000块钱的收入,只能让他们蜗居在大都市不起眼的角落里。

    The couples earned a living of9000 RMB every year that could only allow them to rent a small room in the city .

  27. 一名抗议者在树上蜗居了三晚,且表示在接下来几天都没有要下来的意思。

    A protester who has spent a third night in a tree has no intention of coming down within the next few days .

  28. 即使处理财务问题时,需要有变化,是那种你一直担心着会要结束蜗居的改变。

    Even the way you handle your finances will need to change as you are perpetually terrified of ending up in the poor house .

  29. 劳氏后人各自蜗居在宅院的一角,地位之间的差异也逐渐消失无痕。

    Each of Lao 's descendants occupies a corner of the compound , and their difference in status has gradually disappeared without a trace .

  30. 马克:你是说他们要在市中心的蜗居和郊区大房子之间做出选择?

    Mark : You mean , they 're choosing between a tiny house in the city center and a spacious place in the suburbs ?