
róng qià
  • harmonious;rapport;understanding;peace;on friendly terms
融洽 [róng qià]
  • (1) [harmonious]∶感情或行动上一致

  • 干群关系很融洽

  • (2) [understanding]∶感情好,没有隔阂和抵触

  • 在这种兄弟间从来没有十分融洽的关系

融洽[róng qià]
  1. 他们关系融洽的部分原因是他们有着相似的目标。

    Their harmonious relationship resulted in part from their similar goals

  2. 干群关系很融洽。

    The relations between the cadres and the masses are harmonious .

  3. 尽管以前素未谋面,但他们相处融洽。

    They got on well together although they were total strangers .

  4. 她和医院大多数工作人员关系融洽。

    She was on friendly terms with most of the hospital staff .

  5. 她和同龄人相处融洽。

    She gets on well with her peer group .

  6. 我们相处得很融洽。

    We get along just fine together .

  7. 她和孩子们打交道很有一手,相处得十分融洽。

    She was great with the children and fitted in beautifully .

  8. 表演过后会在客厅举行气氛融洽的聚会。

    Following the performances there were chummy gatherings in the drawing room .

  9. 我有预感和苏珊共事会很融洽。

    I had a hunch that Susan and I would work well together

  10. 尼科尔森先生对士兵很尊重,而且跟他们相处融洽。

    Mr Nicholson respects soldiers , and he rubs along with them .

  11. 他们的合作关系融洽,接着又一起为电视剧写剧本。

    Their partnership gelled and scriptwriting for television followed .

  12. 他们好像相处得颇为融洽。

    They seemed to be getting along fine .

  13. 这是一次气氛非常融洽的大会。

    It was a good humoured conference .

  14. 他和首相的关系并不总是那么愉快融洽。

    It has not all been sweetness and light between him and the Prime Minister .

  15. 这对表亲互相容忍,但是相处得并不真正融洽。

    The cousins tolerated each other , but did not really get on well together .

  16. 我们相处得相当融洽。

    We got along rather well

  17. 会谈气氛非常融洽,与会者相信会取得进展。

    There was a very good atmosphere at the talks and the participants believed movement forward was possible .

  18. 通过观察孩子对新生儿到来的反应能很好预测在接下来的一年中他们会不会相处融洽。

    The child 's reaction to the arrival of the new baby was a very good predictor of how they would get on during the year that followed .

  19. 他们之间的关系更融洽了。

    The relations between them have become still more harmonous .

  20. 同学之间相处得很融洽。

    The members of the class are getting on very well with one another .

  21. 同学们相亲相爱,关系十分融洽。

    The students are very close and get on well together .

  22. 一个好的领导应当与部下相处融洽。

    A good leader should get on well with inferiors .

  23. 他们虽然互不相识,但谈得很融洽。

    Although they were strangers , they conversed with ease .

  24. 我们生活在一起十分融洽。

    We live in perfect accord with each other .

  25. 他俩相处得极融洽。

    The two of them are on very good terms ( or are getting on very well together ) .

  26. 《美国周末》“青少年与父母”版块的调查结果显示这代青少年与父母相处十分融洽,并且满意父母的培养方式。

    Results of USA WEEKEND 's Teens & Parents survey reveal a generation of young people who get along well with their parents and approve of the way they 're being raised .

  27. 其他人很难与父母和同学这样的人相处融洽。

    Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates .

  28. 我喜欢在公共场合演讲,与人相处融洽,所以我觉得我很容易获胜。

    I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people , so I felt it easy to win .

  29. 它们教你如何处理生活中的问题,如何与同学或朋友融洽相处,如何规划时间或是如何寻找幸福。

    They teach you how to deal with problems in your life , for example , how to get on well with your classmates or friends , how to plan your time well or how to find happiness .

  30. 她跟她职员的关系非常融洽。

    She has an excellent rapport with her staff .