
  • 网络Financing capacity;financing ability;Borrowing capacity
  1. 对国际型工程公司所具有的EPC全功能、较强的融资能力、先进的工艺技术和工程技术、全球营销网和采购网、以设计为主体等主要特点进行了论述;

    Then it illustrates the EPC function , strong financing ability , advanced technics and engineering technology , global sales net and procurement net , designing as main body , and other main characteristics of international engineering companies .

  2. 这两方面的问题严重制约着我国证券市场的融资能力。

    The two problems restrict our stock market 's financing ability .

  3. HD公司生产规模小,绝对利润少,内部融资能力严重不足;

    HD company is small in size and profit , so the ability for inner financing is limited .

  4. 正在与激进会计指控做斗争的大宗商品交易商来宝集团(NobleGroup)周二遭遇又一个打击。出于对该公司债务再融资能力的担忧,穆迪(Moody's)将其信用评级下调至垃圾级。

    Noble Group , the commodity trader fighting allegations of aggressive accounting , suffered another blow on Tuesday when its credit rating was cut to junk status by Moody 's because of concerns about the company 's ability to refinance debts .

  5. 加入WTO后,国外建筑事务所会大量涌入,将依靠其先进的技术和管理、优厚的融资能力冲击我们的工程的咨询设计市场。

    With the flood of foreign building offices into China after China 's WTO entry , China 's engineering design industry will face challenges from those foreign offices with the advantages of advanced technologies and management , and ability in financing .

  6. 目前融资能力的大小是制约家族发展的重要因素。

    The ability of company financing is up to the development .

  7. 项目融资能力的评估研究

    Study on the Evaluation to the Ability of Project Financing

  8. 再融资能力不足。教师校本课程开发的能力欠缺;

    That the teachers ' ability to develop school-based curriculum is insufficient .

  9. 中小企业成长与融资能力的平衡;

    The equilibrium between small business growth and financing competence ;

  10. 企业证券融资能力的提升及运用

    The Promotion and Application of Enterprises ' Stock Financing Ability

  11. 提升广西科技型上市公司再融资能力研究

    Study on Improvement of Refinancing Ability for Guangxi 's Sci-tech Listed Company

  12. 从产业集群视角来提升中小企业融资能力

    Improvement of SME Financing Capacity in Perspective of Industrial Clusters

  13. 企业财务治理的强弱与融资能力的大小息息相关。

    The enterprise financial governance is closely linked to the financial ability .

  14. 编好商业计划书提高中小企业融资能力

    Writing a Good Business Plan for Improving SMEs ' Fund Rising Capability

  15. 债务特征包括债务融资能力和债务结构之复杂程度。

    Debt characteristics consist of debt capacity and complexity of debt structure .

  16. 通过问卷调查的方式对广东的中小企业的融资能力进行评价。

    By way of a questionnaire survey of Guangdong SMEs financing capacity evaluation .

  17. 产品创新与中小企业融资能力

    The Product Innovation and the Financing Ability of a Middle and Small Business

  18. 融资能力与技术创新投资决策:一种实物期权方法

    Financing capabilities and investment decision on technological innovations : A real option approach

  19. 在杠杆率如此高的情况下,市场对银行偿付能力的担忧迅速加剧,并削弱了银行的再融资能力。

    With such high leverage , solvency concerns arose quickly and impaired refinancing .

  20. 再融资能力不足。我国高等学校经营效益的再审视

    A Re-examination of Benefits in Managing Higher Institutions of Learning in Our Country

  21. 政府信用对增强企业的证券融资能力具有显著作用。

    And that government contributes significantly to the securities financing capacity of the enterprises .

  22. 增强纺织企业内源性融资能力。

    To strengthen textile corporations ' financing ability .

  23. 在市场经济体制下企业融资能力研究

    Research on Firm Financing Ability in Marketing Economy

  24. 有利于提高国有企业在股票市场上的融资能力;

    Help to improve the financing ability on the stock market of state-owned enterprise ;

  25. 融资能力是企业通过不同手段选择特定融资方式筹集资金的能力。

    Financing capability is the ability of enterprise selecting particular financing way to raise money .

  26. 内部现金流量是企业内部融资能力的重要体现。

    The internal cash flow is the important embodiment of inside financing ability of enterprises .

  27. 但是,美国国债的这一地位与独一无二的融资能力,将因评级被下调而受到损害。

    But this status and unique financing access would be compromised by a lower rating .

  28. 转型中的中国城市发展&城市级层结构、融资能力与迁移政策

    Urban Expansion in Transitional China : Hierarchy of City , Financing Capacity and Migration Policy

  29. 电力企业融资能力熵评价综合研究

    Entropy Research of Electric Enterprises Financing

  30. 如何提高中小企业的融资能力,一直是学者讨论的热点。

    How to improve the financing capacity of SMEs as been a hot topic in academics .