
  • 网络helical chain;helix;helix chain
  1. 这些结果进一步表明抗癌中草药靛玉红通过插入到DNA的双螺旋链中以及与带负电荷的磷酸骨架通过静电或生成氢健来干扰DNA的合成,从而达到了抗肿瘤的效果。

    The results indicate that the herbal drug indirubin can interfere with the DNA by intercalating into the double helix of DNA and interacting with the phosphate groups of DNA .

  2. 非平面结构的1,4-DHP衍生物使CT-DNA双螺旋链结构松散程度增大。

    DNA double helix in solution become more loose in the presence of non-planar structure 1,4-DHP derivatives .

  3. 以上实验结果表明,莠去津平面分子能够嵌插到DNA双螺旋链中,形成较稳定的加合物。

    The above results proved that atrazine could be inserted into the double-helix of DNA and formed a stable DNA adduct .

  4. 与DNA双螺旋链相互作用或抑制DNA和RNA聚合酶从而抑制原虫增殖;

    To bind with the DNA helix or inhibit the proliferation of malaria parasite by inhibiting the DNA / RNA polymerase ;

  5. 一维螺旋链上相邻的La(1)沿着相反方向连接双核单元形成Z字形的层。

    The adjacent La ( 1 ) on the chain connect lanthanide binuclear polymer with opposite direction .

  6. 具有双螺旋链的新型二维无机-有机骨架晶体材料Ni(PDC)(H2O)2的合成与结构

    Synthesis , Structure of a Novel Two-dimensional Inorganic-organic Framework Ni ( PDC )( H_2O ) _2 with Double Helical Chains

  7. DNA双螺旋链在复制和转录的过程中要在酶的催化下解旋,这是一个高度复杂的过程,目前还无法用物理学的方法来描述。

    During the replication and transcription , DNA unwinds the double helix under the control of an enzyme . It is a very complex process beyond a physical description .

  8. 具有一维钼-氧螺旋链的[Mo3O9(2,2-bpy)2]∞的水热合成和晶体结构

    Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of [ Mo_3O_9 ( 2,2-bpy ) _2 ] _ ∞ with One-dimensional Molybdenum-Oxygen Helix

  9. 该化合物由四面体ZnO3N、假四面体HPO3相互连接形成左手和右手螺旋链,这些螺旋链之间通过桥氧原子连接形成二维层状结构。

    The structure of compoud 4 consists of left-handed and right-handed helical chains that are connected through bridging oxygen atoms to form a two dimensional layer structure .

  10. 三螺旋链蛋白质运动模型的行波精确解组

    Traveling wave accurate solutions to Tri-helix chain protein movement model

  11. 含有螺旋链的一维链状聚合物;

    The polymers having one dimensional chain structures , including many helical chains ;

  12. 在第二章中,得到了全角六角链的极小能量图是螺旋链。

    In chapter two , the minimal energy graph for fully angular hexagonal chains is helical hexagonal chain .

  13. He-Ne激光辐照后的质粒超螺旋双链DNA存活率剂量曲线不同于紫外线和氮离子束。

    Dose - effect curve of scDNA survival rate by He - Ne laser radiation differ from that by ultraviolet and N + ion beam .

  14. 目的研究乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)C蛋白羧基端短小的干扰RNA(siRNA)对HBV超螺旋双链闭环DNA(cccDNA)水平的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) C protein C-terminal small interference RNA ( siRNA ) on reduction of HBV covalently closed circular DNA ( cccDNA ) level .

  15. 我没量那个柔性短节和螺旋钻链。

    I did not measure that flex joint those spiral collars .

  16. 这两条教、学互动的螺旋循环链有机结合,每完成一次循环教学过程,双螺旋上升一个螺距,教师的教学水平提高,学生的综合素质和学历提高一个层次。

    The two components united helix cyclic strand of teaching and learning makes the double helix cyclic strand rise up a pitch and complete a cyclic teaching process , meanwhile , the teaching level of teachers could be improved , the multiple quality and academic credential rise a level .

  17. 这种损伤被称为链间交联,通常发生在双螺旋的两根链连接的时候,能抑制DNA复制和转录。

    The damage , known as inter-strand crosslinks , occurs when the two strands of the double helix are linked together , blocking replication and transcription .

  18. α螺旋蛋白质螺旋链模型方程组的精确解

    Exact solutions of Helix chain movement model in the alpha-helix protein

  19. 螺旋型高分子链晶体结构所属空间群的演变规律性

    Varied Regularities of Space Group of Crystal Structure of Helix Type Polymer Chains

  20. α-螺旋蛋白质分子链上的孤立子寿命

    Soliton Lifetime of α - Helix Protein

  21. 本文利用有色对称的理论讨论了螺旋型高分子链晶体结构所属空间群的演变规律性。

    The present paper investigated the varied regularities of space group of crystal structure of helix type polymer chains in terms of coloured symmetry theory .

  22. 二级结构均主要由无规则卷曲、α-螺旋及延伸链组成。信号肽预测显示,两个蛋白均没有信号肽。

    The two effectors have no signal peptide . The secondary stucture of the two proteins were composed of random coil , alpha helix and extend strand .

  23. 第二方面是以PVP、PS和PVA为原料,制得了具有规则螺旋环和折叠链结构的微米纤维。

    At the same time we use PVP , PS and PVA as materials and get microfibril with regular helix and fold shape .

  24. 论文认为,对于集聚总部基地的生产性服务企业来说,其价值链集聚具有双螺旋结构,其双螺旋长链为服务(产品)链和能力链。

    The paper assumes that in the light of productive service enterprise clustering in headquarter base , its value chain has double helix . The long chains are service chain and competence chain .

  25. 作为重要的遗传物质,DNA为双螺旋结构,组成双螺旋的两条链由嘌呤和嘧啶通过氢键配对联系。

    Being as an important hereditary substance , DNA has the double helix , the two bonds composing the double helix are mating and connecting with each other through the purine and the pyrimidine .