
zhōnɡ sī
  • katydid;long-horned grasshopper
螽斯 [zhōng sī]
  • [long-horned grasshopper] 绿色或褐色昆虫,善跳跃,吃农作物。雄的前翅有发声器,颤动翅膀能发声

  1. 仿树蛙足垫粘性材料制备及其粘附性能螽斯吸附足垫的构造及其吸附性能分析

    Fabrication and Adhesion Test of Biomimetic Tree Frog Toe-pad Viscous Material

  2. 河南省螽斯类初步调查(直翅目)

    A survey of katydids from the Henan province , China ( orthoptera )

  3. 父方投资与性角色逆转现象:螽斯类昆虫的婚礼食物及对性选择方向的影响

    Parental investment and sex role reversal : nuptial gift and its effects on sexual selection in katydids

  4. 本研究结果为进一步阐明螽斯雄性附腺的生理功能奠定了基础。

    The results lay a foundation for further understanding the physiological function of male accessory glands in tettigoniids .

  5. 螽斯与蟋蟀的召唤声特征稳定,具有种的特异性。

    The characteristic of calling songs of katydids and crickets is stable , which occupies the specificity with species .

  6. 而其中,翠玉白菜的白,代表女子的纯洁,上面的两只螽斯则象征子孙绵延。

    The white and jade represent a woman 's purity and the two grasshoppers symbolize the hope for progeny .

  7. 螽斯趋声行为的定量分析表明,螽斯具有良好的方向听觉能力。

    Quantitative analyses on phonotactic behavior of the bushcricket demonstrate that the bushcricket possesses good capability to determine direction of sound source .

  8. 此类兴象多取于桃、苡、花椒、兰、枣、瓜等早实多子植物和鱼、螽斯等多子动物。

    These images cover such plants and animals as peaches , Chinese prickly ashes , melons , fishes , worms and so on .

  9. 本文报道了螽斯前胸神经节中的听觉上升神经元AN3的声反应特征及其在脑中的投射。

    This article describes the response characteristics of AN3 , an auditory ascending neuron in the prothoracic ganglion , and its projections within the brain .

  10. 本文采用细胞内记录方法,研究了蝗虫和螽斯复眼侧区小眼在不同时间(日间和夜间)和不同适应状态(暗适应和明适应)下,小网膜细胞角灵敏度的变化规律。

    In Locust and Bush cricket , regular changes of the angular sensitivity of the retinula cells of the ommatidia in the side region of the compound eye have been investigated by intercellular recording method under dark and light adapted states during the day and night times .
