
xiè fěn
  • crab meat
蟹粉 [xiè fěn]
  • [crab meat]〈方〉∶用来做菜或馅儿的蟹黄和蟹肉

蟹粉[xiè fěn]
  1. 炒蟹粉一向为我们的顾客所特别喜爱。

    Fried crab meat is always a favorite with Our customers .

  2. 尤其是炒蟹粉(stir-friedcrabmeat),俨然是餐饮艺术的杰作:它由土豆泥、胡萝卜以及蛋清加入姜丝爆炒而成,色香味俱浓。

    The crabmeat in particular is a wonder of culinary artifice : a rich tumble of mashed potato , carrot and egg white with ginger .

  3. 举个例子,游客可以到离福和慧不到一英里的玉佛寺(JadeBuddhaTemple)素斋餐厅品尝由豆腐、素排骨做成的“素烤鸭”、“素火腿”以及“素炒蟹粉”。

    Less than a mile from Fu He Hui , for example , you can drop into the restaurant at the Jade Buddha Temple for some " roast duck " and " ham " made with tofu , or vegetarian " pork chops " and " stir-fried crabmeat . "

  4. 如果加人蟹粉作调料的话则可以让味道更棒。

    A seasoning of crab powder enhances the flavor .

  5. 清炖蟹粉狮子头—这道菜的名字是形象的说法。

    Lion 's head braised with crab-powder there is a metaphor in the dish name .