
juān miǎn
  • Exemption;exempt from tax payment;remit;relieve
蠲免 [juān miǎn]
  • [remit;relieve] 除去;免除[租税、罚款、劳役等]

  • 蠲免钱粮

蠲免[juān miǎn]
  1. 因此,本章最后一节,着重探讨了明代赋税蠲免的一般性运作程序。

    The final part of this chapter discusses the running procedure of the tax and duties how to subtract .

  2. 清朝康熙时代的不同历史阶段,面对特定的政治经济形势所推行的钱粮蠲免政策,其着眼点和具体形式表现出差异。

    In the different periods of Kangxi , under certain political and economic situations , the land tax reduction policy had different performance .

  3. 通过颁布水权、有条件地开放国有土地,鼓励市场经济,实现资源配置合理化。实行蠲免和借贷,扶持灾民再生产。

    By issuing the law of water right and conditional opening the state-owned lands to promote market economy and realize rationalization of resources allocation , c.

  4. 以国家救助为主要救助方式,救助内容和措施有蠲免徭役、赋税,减轻刑罚,赈济生活用品,问医施药,掩埋遗骸等。

    The main method is national assistance , including reduction of rent for land and of enslavement , lighten punishment , relief , supply doctors and medicines , bury corpses , etc.

  5. 清王朝的灾荒政策在赈济、蠲免、借贷等政策不变的情况下,针对内蒙古西部地区的特殊条件,又建立了养赡制。

    With the policies , such as relief , exemption and lending money unchanged , the alimony system was set up in the light of special conditions in the western part of Inner Mongolia .
