
  • 网络blood safety
  1. 血液安全政策执行情况与AIDS控制效果的综合评判

    Comprehensive Evaluation on the Implementation of Blood Safety Policy and HIV / AIDS Control

  2. 方法应用层次分析法(AHP法)综合评判襄樊市血液安全政策执行情况及AIDS流行与控制效果。

    AHP method was applied to evaluate the implementation of blood safety policy and the effect of HIV / AIDS control .

  3. 目的探讨无偿献血者艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染情况,为更好地开展无偿献血工作,为保证血液安全提供依据。

    Objective To study HIV prevalence in the street voluntary blood donors , and to improve voluntary blood donation work by ensuring blood safety .

  4. Gore还表示,应作更多工作,针对卫生保健工作者开展血液安全和针头安全教育,并与耻辱和无知做斗争。

    More should be done to educate health-care workers about blood and needle safety and to fight the stigma and ignorance , Gore says .

  5. 文章回顾分析了西方主要国家输血后感染HIV事件的因果,及其由此而建立完善的血液安全管理制度及无过错赔偿方案的司法实践。

    This article reviews the causes and effects of HIV infection due to blood transfusion in the western countries . It also covers the perfect system of administration over blood security and judicial practice of non - fault and compensation program .

  6. 血液安全,我们知道和不知道的

    Blood Safety , what We Know and Don 't Know

  7. 西方国家血液安全的责任与赔偿

    Responsibility for blood security and compensation in the western countries

  8. 结论只有全方位实施安全输血保障的策略,才能有效地预防各类输血副作用的发生,保证血液安全。

    CONCLUSIONS Only execute the strategy of assuring blood transfusion can assure the transfusion safety .

  9. 根据《世卫组织全球血液安全数据库和血液安全指标》。

    Based on WHO Global Database on Blood Safety ( GDBS ) and Blood Safety Indicators .

  10. 血液安全数据是由世卫组织每两年一次通过针对各国政府的综合调查收集的。

    Blood safety data are collected biennially by WHO through a comprehensive survey addressed to national governments .

  11. 只要是捐血者属血液安全组,其传播疾病的概率通常较低:通过血液传播疾病的发生率很低,因为献血较安全。

    The occurrence of blood borne infections is low among the voluntary blood donors which is the safe group .

  12. 中国现行的献血条例以保证血液安全及输血者健康为由禁止同性恋者献血。

    China 's current regulations to ensure the blood safety and transfusion of blood from gay blood donation ban on health grounds .

  13. [目的]无偿献血招募过程中的延缓献血是保护献血者、保障血液安全的一项重要措施。

    [ Objective ] The deferred donor policy in the non-remunerative donor recruitment practice is one of the important measures to protect the blood donors and secure the blood safety .

  14. [结论]采供血机构应加强对献血者的筛选,建立较稳定的献血队伍,保障血液安全,减少输血传播病毒的感染。

    [ Conclusion ] Blood supply institutes should strengthen the screening of blood donors , establish stable blood donating population so as to ensure blood safety and reduce transfusion-transmitted virus infection .

  15. 目前,在输血事业管理中,血液安全管理与控制的主要措施有:实行献血者筛检制度,对采集的血液进行初复检措施以及建立和实施血液和血液制品的质量管理标准等。

    The main measures of the blood safety management included selecting donors , testing blood before and after donation , setting up GMP of blood and blood products , and so on .

  16. 通过系统功能需求分析,力争做好防止冒名献血、防止频繁献血、稀有血型管理等八个方面的工作以保障血液安全。

    By the analysis of functional requirements , the system will complete preventing blood donation with false name and frequent collecting blood , rare blood manage and so on , which can safeguard the blood security .

  17. 博茨瓦纳领导为了抵御疾病,当然也为减少疾病,所做的努力之一就是建立公共意识项目,尤其是针对年轻人的,并加强血液安全。

    Some of the things that the leaders of Botswana is doing in order to prevent and of course decrease the problem is public awareness program especially to the youth , and improvement of blood safety .

  18. 稳定的高素质的无偿献血员队伍是血液安全的重要保障,如何有效的发动、建立无偿献血员队伍是每个采供血机构工作的重点。

    Unpaid blood donors of a stable of high-quality team is an important guarantee for blood safety , how to effectively initiate , unpaid blood donors team is the focus of the work of each blood collection agencies .

  19. 医务工作者会问捐赠者几个问题,以确保血液可以安全使用。

    Medical workers ask donors several questions to make sure the blood is safe to use .

  20. 若他们总是使用保险套进行安全性行为、只有一位性伴侣,以及HIV检验为阴性,则这些人捐出的血液则安全无虞。

    If they always have safe sex with a condom , have only one partner and test HIV negative , their blood is safe to donate .

  21. 结论本例为首例非血缘CBT治疗Bruton病获得成功;HLA不全相合非血缘CBT治疗非恶性血液病安全、有效。

    Conclusion This is the first case report of successful treatment of X-linked agammaglobulinemia by HLA-mismatched unrelated CBT .

  22. 结论本研究数据提示吉林省地区献血人员B19病毒感染率较高,有必要进行进一步B19DNA的调查研究,为输血安全和血液制品安全提供保障。

    Conclusion These data illustrate that the prevalence of the B19 antibody in blood donors of Jilin province was high , and it is therefore necessary to detect the B19 DNA to ensure the blood safety .

  23. 为提高血液的安全性,有必要对其进行病毒灭活处理。

    To improve the safety of blood or blood products , it is necessary to do virus inactivation treatment for them .

  24. 目的探讨腹腔镜脾切除术(laparoscopicsplenectomyLS)治疗血液病的安全性、有效性及优越性。

    Objective To explore the safety , efficacy , superiority of laparoscopic splenectomy ( LS ) in patients with hematologic diseases .

  25. 结论初步研究表明,单倍体及无关供体Allo-HSCT治疗恶性血液病的安全性及有效性相当,母供体单倍体Allo-HSCT值得探索。

    Conclusion For hematological malignancies , the efficiency and safety are similar between HLA haploidentical Allo-HSCT from maternal donors and unrelated matched donors . HLA haploidentical Allo-HSCT from maternal donors might be a treatment which is worth exploring .

  26. 目的监督采供血机构血液质量及其安全性。

    Objective To investigate the blood quality of blood banks .

  27. 论动物血液产品的安全性

    Safety of animal blood products

  28. 结论局部枸橼酸抗凝应用于高危出血倾向血液透析患者安全有效。

    Conclusion Regional citrate anticoagulation is a safe and effective method for patients with increased risk of bleeding .

  29. 确保临床用血供应,确保血液质量和安全是血液管理的核心。

    The core of blood management is to ensure the clinical blood supply , to ensure the blood quality and safety .

  30. [结论]儿童先天性髋关节脱位的股骨和骨盆联合手术中的血液回收是安全、有效的自体输血方式,明显节约异体血的用量,有效避免血液传播性疾病的发生。

    [ Conclusion ] Reinfusion of blood salvage during pediatric orthopaedic operation is safe and effective . It is able to reduce the amount of homologous blood transfusion .