
  1. 方法:用眼底荧光血管造影(FFA)检查;患者血清免疫学检查。

    Methods : Observation with fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) and serum immunological examination .

  2. 血清免疫学检查也发现对照兔的特异性IgG和CAg全部阳性,而服药组IgG大部分阴性,个别兔为弱阳性,CAg则全部阴性。

    Sera IgG and CAg were positive in rabbits with acute schistosomiasis . In contrast , IgG was negative in most rabbits sera , and all were negative for CAg in the experimental group ( artesunate ) .

  3. 根据临床表现和血清免疫学检查阳性而确诊。

    Definite diagnosis was made on clinical manifestations and positive serum reaction .

  4. 结论全面的血清免疫学检查、B超、细针抽吸细胞学检查有助于诊断。

    Conclusions Complete serum immunologic examinations , ultrasonography and fine needle aspiration biopsy are helpful for the diagnosis of HD with TA .

  5. 结果共检查18349人,血清免疫学检查阳性率为14.97%;

    Results 18 349 people were examined , and the positive rate of serum immunology was 14.97 % , the adjusted average infection rate of people was 2.23 % .