
  • 网络Blood glucose monitoring;cgm;CGMS;SMBG;BGM
  1. 老年糖尿病患者动态血糖监测阶段式强化教育的效果评价

    The effect valuable of stage strengthen education in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes during CGMS

  2. 肝移植术后24h血糖监测分析及护理对策研究

    Research on postoperative 24 hours blood sugar monitoring analysis and nursing policy for patients with liver-transplanted

  3. 方法:采用动态血糖监测系统对43例正常人及47例2型糖尿病患者进行连续(71±10)h的血糖监测,动态血糖监测数值(846±122)个。

    METHODS : Totally 43 normals and 47 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were subjected to dynamic glucose monitoring for consecutive ( 71 ± 10 ) hours , and ( 846 ± 122 ) results of glucose level were obtained .

  4. 另一款则是OneTouchVerioSyncMeter,研发商LifeScanInc.是血糖监测领域领先者强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)的旗下子公司。

    The other is the OneTouch VerioSync Meter and comes from LifeScan Inc. , a Johnson & Johnson company that is a leader in the glucose-monitoring business .

  5. 其中一款叫iHealth无线智能血糖监测系统(WirelessSmartGluco-MonitoringSystem),是同名公司研发的;他们还生产其他产品,致力于提供一系列健康相关的数字化传感设备。

    One is the iHealth Wireless Smart Gluco-Monitoring System , and comes from a company of the same name that also makes other products that aim to provide a collection of digital sensors for health measurement .

  6. 目的应用动态血糖监测系统(CGMS)观察1型糖尿病患儿血糖控制情况,寻找评价和改善血糖控制的方法。

    Objective To determine the glycemic control in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus with CGMS .

  7. 目的:探讨糖化血红蛋白A(HbAlc)水平测定对筛查妊娠糖尿病(GDM)及孕期血糖监测的应用价值。

    To evaluate the value of glucohemoglobin Ale ( HbAlc ) in selecting gestational diabetes mellitus ( GDM ) and monitoring blood glucose in gestation .

  8. 方法:选择糖化血红蛋白<7%的2型糖尿病患者32例,行72h连续动态血糖监测(CGMS),分析其血糖谱。

    Methods : Thirty-two patients with type 2 diabetes whose HbA1c were < 7 % underwent CGMS ( continuous glucose monitoring system ) .

  9. 目的评价采用动态血糖监测系统(CGMS)进行血糖监测期间,糖尿病(DM)和CGMS知识教育及加强护理观察的重要性。

    Objective To evaluate the importance of health education on diabetes mellitus ( DM ) and continuous glucose monitoring system ( CGMS ) during continuous glucose monitoring process .

  10. [结果]出院时2组住院天数、住院费用、病人满意度、健康教育达标率、血糖监测指标达标率比较均有统计学意义(均P0.05)。

    Result : In terms of hospitalization duration , medical cost , patients ' satisfaction degree , up to par rates of both health education and blood glucose monitoring indexes , there were significant differences between the groups at their discharge ( P0.05 ) .

  11. •乌耶恩•布洛克:曾在血糖监测解决方案开发商C8MediSensors公司担任技术总监,这家公司曾开发了一种非侵入性方法以监测血糖及其它生命体征。

    • ueyn block : was director of engineering at C8 medisensor , which developed a non-invasive way to glucose levels and other vital signs .

  12. 在糖尿病患者中进行CGM器械的临床试验证实,与血糖监测手段相比CGM血糖值的准确性(10–12)。

    Numerous studies in diabetic patients tested CGM devices and demonstrated high accuracy of the CGM-derived glucose values compared with blood glucose measurements ( 10 – 12 ) .

  13. 结果两组比较,在饮食知识掌握、控制总热量、食物换算、BMI、血糖监测、HbAIC、Ch、LDL、HDL差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    Results The diet control , calorie restriction , food adjustment , BMI , blood sugar monitoring , HbA1C , CH , LDL-C , and HDL-C between this two groups showed statistically significant difference ( P > 0.05 );

  14. 结论术中快速血糖监测预测TUVP术中TURS的发生具有灵敏、准确、快速、方便等优点。

    Conclusions Monitoring the changes of blood sugar during TUVP is sensitive , accurate , fast and convenient to predict the occurrence of TURS .

  15. 结论动态血糖监测可揭示受试者全天血糖漂移变化的特征,有助于进一步认识、判断IGT的糖代谢状况,为干预治疗IGT提供了有价值的临床资料。

    [ Conclusion ] Continuous glucose monitoring may have a potential for revealing the characteristics of glucose excursions throughout the day and help evaluate the status of glucose metabolism in more detail in IGT .

  16. 目的:探讨胰岛素泵(CSII)联合动态血糖监测系统(CGMS)对血糖控制的效果。

    Objective : To discuss the application of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion ( CSII ) combined with continuous glucose monitoring system ( CGMS ) in controlling glucose .

  17. CGMS系统与其它血糖监测方法的比较应用持续动态血糖监测系统分析妊娠期糖尿病血糖波动特征

    Comparison of the continuous glucose monitoring system ( CGMS ) and other different blood glucose monitors Characteristics of glycemic excursions in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus

  18. 目的:应用持续动态血糖监测系统(CGMS)分析妊娠糖尿病患者血糖波动特征。

    Objective : to analyze the characteristics of glycemic excursions in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus ( GDM ) by continuous glucose monitoring system ( CGMS ) .

  19. 85例2型糖尿病患者使用动态血糖监测系统(CGMS)监测血糖,每例记录48-72h,共计完整记录220d。

    Blood glucose levels of 220 days were recorded in 85 type 2 diabetic patients for monitoring glycemia for 48-72 h each one by the continuous glucose monitoring system ( CGMS ) .

  20. 背景:动态血糖监测以每5min的间隔连续检测受试者血糖水平的漂移变化,有助于全面、客观地评估受试者的糖代谢状况。

    BACKGROUND : Dynamic glucose monitoring can reflect the fluctuation of blood glucose by successive examination at the interval of 5 minutes , which contributes to the overall and objective evaluation of glucose metabolism .

  21. 采用动态血糖监测系统比较磺脲类药物治疗效果不佳的2型糖尿病患者睡前联合甘精胰岛素或中性鱼精蛋白锌胰岛素(NPH)治疗12周后血糖谱的变化。

    With the continuous glucose monitoring system , daily blood glucose profiles were compared in type 2 diabetic patients treated with glargine or neutral protamine hagedorn ( NPH ) at bedtime for 12 weeks . The blood glucose levels in these patients were previously not well controlled with sulfonylureas .

  22. 基于光子晶体光纤的血糖监测系统研究

    Study of blood glucose monitor system based on photonic crystal fiber

  23. 自我血糖监测在糖尿病治疗中的作用

    The Effect of Self-monitoring Blood Glucose on Insulin Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus

  24. 颅脑损伤急性期患者血糖监测及护理

    Nursing and Monitoring of Blood Sugar in Acute Stage of Cerebral Injury

  25. 小婴儿先天性心脏病术后血糖监测的临床意义

    Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Little Infants after Heart Surgery

  26. 各种动态血糖监测系统的比较及其临床应用

    Comparison of Several Current Continuous Glucose Monitoring System and Their Clinical Applications

  27. 两种消毒剂对末梢血糖监测结果的影响

    Influence of Two Disinfectants on the Results of Peripheral Blood Sugar Monitoring

  28. 义诊中590例社区人群血糖监测状况分析

    Surveilance on blood glucose of 590 people in community populations

  29. 窒息新生儿血糖监测及其临床意义

    Measurement and clinical significance of blood sugar in apneic neonate

  30. 透皮无创血糖监测技术中的关键电化学问题研究

    Study of Key Electrochemical Problems in Transdermal Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring