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  1. 三是独立和专业化的行政法官制。

    The third is its independent and professional administrative judge system .

  2. 试析引咎辞职对行政责任制的完善

    On Perfection of Administrative Responsibility with Take-Blame-and-Resign System

  3. 目前我国国有企业经营者产生方式主要有两种:行政任命制和委托一代理制。

    At present , state-owned enterprise managers have been put onto the present position either through administrative appointment system or as trustee-agent .

  4. 本文介绍电脑化应如何进行系统分析,并以行政三联制与电脑化系统结合应用所产生的决策管理资讯系统,将可达到完善的境地。

    This article high-lights how computerized system analysis is made and its utilization in administrative operation for the perfection of the decision management information system .

  5. 一般情况下,企业单方提供工资合约的行政决定制交易成本最低,因此这种工资决定机制在市场经济早期一度受到青睐。

    In general , the transaction cost in lowest when the corporation makes the salary contract alone , so the mechanism was welcome at the beginning of market economy .

  6. 在交易所的发展过程中,先后出现了多种组织模式,其中包括会员制、公司制和以中国为代表的行政会员制。

    In the development of stock exchange , several organizational models come out , among which are membership , corporate system and administrative membership with China as a representative .

  7. 二是政府对经营性土地使用权的让渡实行土地行政划拨制和土地批租制并存,致使企业处于不公平竞争环境中;

    Then , the co existence of administrative appropriation and land ratification and renting in the transference of managerial rights of land use , brings in unfair competition among enterprises .

  8. 由于我国实行社会主义市场经济体制,并且也加入了世贸组织,作出庄严承诺,因此,必须在市场经济规律和世贸组织规则的指引下,建立起符合市场经济规律和世贸组织规则要求的行政审批制度。

    Because China has been practicing the socialism market economy and joined the world Trade Organization . AEA system must be established which is in accordance with the market economy regulations and WTO rules .

  9. 其次,分析了建立具有隐性激励特征的经营者市场的重要性,认为通过经营者市场选拔国有企业经营者可以比较有效地消除由行政任命制带来的弊端;

    Secondly , the dissertation analyses the importance of manager market with the feature of implicit incentive and draw the conclusion that selecting manager through the manager market could eliminate many drawbacks produced by administrative appointment ;

  10. 行政执法责任制地方立法问题初探

    Legislative Issues at the Local Level in Administrative Enforcement Responsibility System

  11. 产品质量行政执法责任制探讨

    Study on the Responsibility System of Administrative Execution Law of Product Quality

  12. 实施行政执法责任制的实践与思考

    Practicing and Thinking of Carrying out the System of Job Responsibility in

  13. 环境行政执法责任制必须依法作出。

    Environmental system of job responsibility must be made according to law .

  14. 构建我国行政执法责任制的若干思考

    On Constructing Responsibility System in Implementing Administrative Law in China

  15. 深化和落实行政执法责任制;

    To deepen and implement the system of responsibility for administrative law-enforcement .

  16. 三是建立健全行政执法责任制;

    Third constitute and perfect on the administrative law enforcement responsibility system ;

  17. 海关行政执法责任制研究

    Research on the Customs Administrative Law Enforcement Responsibility System

  18. 行政三分制背景下的城市规划决策研究

    The Study of Urban Planning Decision Making Based on the Trisection Administration Systems

  19. 对推行行政执法责任制工作中几个问题的思考&从浙江省司法厅的工作实践和基层视角分析

    Reflection on Several Issues in Carrying out the Responsibility System of Administrative Enforcement

  20. 但行政首长负责制的缺点也是明显的。

    But this plan also has obvious drawbacks .

  21. 行政首长负责制的更新与发展

    Renewal & Development of Chief Executive Responsibility System

  22. 各地环境保护部门正根据政府法制部门的要求实施环境行政执法公示制。

    The proclamation system of environmental laws enforcement was being undertaken by environmental protection departments .

  23. 完善检验检疫行政执法责任制的研究

    A Study on the Perfection of the Responsibility System of Administrative Execution on Inspection & Quarantine

  24. 目前,我国各地行政执法公示制的基本做法有一定差异并存在着一些问题。

    There are quite many problems in the basic procedure of the public announcement system in China .

  25. 推行行政执法责任制,是推行依法行政的重要举措。

    Implement the responsibility system of administrative law enforcement is an important measure to implement according to law .

  26. 全面实行环境行政执法责任制是保障环境法律、法规、规章有效实施的重要举措。

    To implement system of job responsibility in environmental administration comprehensively was the important act to implement environmental law effectively .

  27. 实行行政领导人负责制的事业单位中党的基层组织,发挥政治核心作用。

    In an institution where the administrative leaders assume full responsibility , the primary Party organization acts as the political nucleus .

  28. 论行政执法责任制的完善&以长沙市为视角

    Discussion on the Administrative Supervision Responsibility System On the Perfection of the System of Administrative Responsibility & By the View of Changsha

  29. 埃及实行普通法院与行政法院双轨制法院系统,而南非实行单一的普通法院系统。

    Egypt implements two-track system courts the Common court and the administrative court , but South Africa practices the sole system Common court .

  30. 作为大部制改革的一种大胆的创新与突破,行政三分制改革在深圳市取得了一定的成效。

    As a kind of bold innovation and breakthrough of the Greater Departments Reform , the administrative reform in Shenzhen City has achieved some effects .