
xínɡ zhènɡ hé tonɡ
  • administrative contract
  1. 作为BOT基础协议的特许权协议,应属行政合同;

    The concession , the basic agreement in BOT need be considered a kind of administrative contract .

  2. 行政合同与行政法治互动关系探讨

    The Interactive Relationship between Administrative Contract and Rule of Administrative Law

  3. 在对BOT特许协议属国际契约还是国内契约是行政合同还是民商事合同进行论证的基础上,提出了BOT特许协议属国内契约,是一种特殊的民商事合同。

    On the problem that whether BOT charter agreement is domestic contract , commercial contract or the administrative contract on the basis of the argument , the thesis puts forward the BOT concession agreement of domestic contracts is a special type of contract in civil law .

  4. 论行政合同违约责任与司法救济

    On the Liability for Breach of Administrative Contract and Judicial Relief

  5. 行政合同的救济,必须结合其特点进行。

    Remedy of administration contract must be on it 's character .

  6. 大陆法系行政合同制度刍议

    A Brief Comment on Administrative Contract System in Continental Legal System

  7. 行政合同的行政性行政合同的性质

    The Administrative Quality of Administrative Contract the Nature of Administrative Contract

  8. 第四章讨论的是行政合同诉讼中的调解制度。

    The fourth chapter discusses the mediation litigation of administrative contract .

  9. 行政合同的救济既可以通过民事渠道亦可以通过行政渠道解决。

    Administration contract may relief through outlet both civil and administration .

  10. 行政合同违约责任之研究

    A Study of the Liabilities for Breach of an Administrative Contract

  11. 行政合同纠纷几个法律问题探讨

    A Discussion on Administrative Contracts On Several Issues of Administrative Contract Disputes

  12. 行政合同初探论检察监督权

    A Discussion on Administrative Contracts On the Prosecutorial Supervision Power

  13. 税务行政合同法律问题探析

    Analysis and Research on Legal Issues about Taxation Administrative Contract

  14. 论行政合同中相对人合法权益的保护

    On Protection of Relative Person 's Right in Administrative Contract

  15. 外包电子政务项目的行政合同管理方法研究

    Study on the Managerial Method of Administrative Contract in Outsourcing E-government Project

  16. 在我国,行政合同是与农村的改革与发展相生相伴的。

    In China , administrative contracts birth and develop with rural reform .

  17. 行政合同与普通民商事合同有所不同。

    The administrative contract is different from the civil contract .

  18. 行政合同初探论行政许可的性质

    A Discussion on Administrative Contracts On Nature of Administrative License

  19. 行政合同的大量运用不可避免地引发纠纷。

    The utilization of administrative contract dispute inevitably cause .

  20. 试论行政合同中的诚实信用原则

    On the Application of the Principle of Good Faith in the Administrative Contract

  21. 论行政合同与民事合同的区分标准

    On Standard of Differentiating Administrative Contract from Civil Contract

  22. 行政合同中信赖保护原则的适用研究崔述《考信录》坚守的求真致用原则

    Administration Contract to Protect the Principle of Trust in the Application of Research

  23. 行政合同是一种柔性的行政管理模式。

    The administrative contract is a soft administrative model .

  24. 第二章讨论了行政合同的审查对象及法律依据。

    The second chapter discusses the object of administrative contracts and legal basis .

  25. 行政合同理念在纳税担保制度中的运用

    The Application of Government Contract to Tax Payment Guaranty

  26. 行政合同适用范围论略

    An Approach to the Applied Scope of Administrative Contract

  27. 德法行政合同制度之比较

    Comparison of Administrative Contract System of Germany and France

  28. 行政合同无论在实践还是在理论上都有其存在的合理性。

    The existence of the administrative contract is reasonable in practice and theory .

  29. 行政合同对政府信用建设的作用

    The significance of the administrative contract for government credit

  30. 论我国现行行政合同司法救济制度

    Argument about China 's Judicial Remedy of Administrative Contract