
  • 网络green street
  1. 保定市街头绿地调研及其对策

    The investigation of roadside green space in Baoding city and developing countermeasures

  2. 城市街头绿地景观规划设计中的互动性研究

    The Study of Interaction of Planning and Design of City Street Greenland Landscape

  3. 合肥市街头绿地植物品种调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis Of Plant Varieties in Urban Street Green Land of Hefei

  4. 邯郸市主城区街头绿地系统评析

    Evaluation and analysis of street greenbelt system of main urban area in Handan City

  5. 街头绿地尺度较小,较为直接的受到城市整体环境的影响。

    Street greenbelt is in small scale , directly influenced by the overall urban environment .

  6. 推荐了适合菏泽城区道路及街头绿地种植的植物种类和种植模式。

    There were some researching results about the design of road green space in Heze .

  7. 提升街头绿地吸引力营造城市绿色空间

    Increasing the attraction of street green land to build a pleasant green space of city

  8. 右安街心花园是2003年建造的一个街头绿地,其无论是在植物材料应用的种类上,还是在植物配置方面都有许多可取之处。

    You'an street Garden was built in 2003 with many benefits in plant materials and design .

  9. 北京市街头绿地植物造景分析&右安街心花园

    Studies on Planting Design for Street Garden in the City of Beijing & You'an Street Garden

  10. 城市街头绿地是一种新兴事物,必然会有一些设计的不足之处。

    The construction of city street greenland is a new-born thing , so there must be some designing deficiencies .

  11. 结合工作经验,对街头绿地设计提出了4种思路和手法,并作了一些理论探讨。

    Four techniques on street green designing are made in the right of practical experience , with some discussions in terms of theory .

  12. 但是城市中有许多街头绿地因设计不合理、管理维护不善导致使用率低下,从而形成一种巨大的浪费。

    However , many street greenbelts are designed unreasonably , plus poor management and maintenance , which led to low utilization rate and huge waste .

  13. 结合一些设计实例,就邯郸市主城区街头绿地系统进行了评价和分析。

    The evaluation and analysis of the street greenbelt system of the main urban area in Handan city have been conducted according to some designed examples .

  14. 街头绿地是城市外部空间中最贴近城市居民的部分,与城市居民的休憩活动息息相关。

    Along Street greenbelt is the closest part to the residential area in city external space , and is closely related to leisure activities of people .

  15. 但是以城市的小尺度空间(街头绿地)为研究对象的研究工作相对较少,特别定位于夏热冬冷地区的城市街头绿地的微气候问题,依旧缺乏系统的研究和设计策略。

    However , the urban small-scale space ( street greenbelt ) is less studied as an object , especially the microclimate in the cities that have hot summers and cold winters .

  16. 接着从行为科学入手,分析人的行为需求与对环境的认知,并以此作为研究城市街头绿地景观与人的行为互动关系的理论基础。

    Then starting from the behavioral science , it analyses human needs and awareness of environment , and makes this the theoretical basis to study the streets as urban green landscape and human interaction of behaviour .

  17. 因此,本文在对夏热冬冷地区典型城市南京进行调研与试验的基础上,研究街头绿地气候适应性设计的可行性。

    This realm is still lack of researches and design strategies . Therefore , this thesis studies the feasibility of climate adaptability of street greenbelt , based on the research of Nanjing ( the typical city of hot summer and cold winter climate ) .