
  1. 补充医疗保障的发展策略研究

    A strategy research on the development of supplementary medical insurance

  2. 关于发达地区建立多主体补充医疗保障体系必须重视的若干问题探讨

    Some emphasized issues on establishing of multi-body supplemental medical security system in developed area

  3. 补充性保障收入向老人、盲人或残疾人提供现金补助。

    Supplemental Security Income ( SSI ) provides cash grants to the aged , blind , or disabled .

  4. 此类计划适合要求极低保费及想补充现有保障不足之人士。

    It is suited for anyone who needs low-cost life insurance to protect their families or to supplement their existing policy coverage .

  5. 美国克林顿政府的社会保障政策是财政预算余额的大部分用来补充社会保障资金,大力发展社区福利;

    Social security policies of American pre-president Clinton are that the most financial budget surplus add to social security funds , and develop community welfare .

  6. 本文在理论与实践上,对发展补充医疗保障进行了探索,尤其对其发展对策提出了构思。

    This article explores the development of complementary medical security in theory and in practice and puts forward the detailed strategy of developing complementary medical security .

  7. 其中,五大基本类型分别是:员工储蓄计划、员工激励计划、补充养老保障计划、补充医疗保障计划、住房补贴计划,组合型是根据客户需求,将五大基本类型进行组合。

    The five basic categories are-the employee savings plan , the employee encouragement program , the enhanced pension plan , the enhanced medical insurance program , and the housing allowance plan .

  8. 二是建立社会医疗救助制度为基本制度、社会医疗保险制度为主体制度,其它医疗保障制度模式为补充的医疗保障体系越来越成为绝大多数国家的共同选择;

    To build a social medical insurance system as the basic system of medical security systems is a common choice for most countries .

  9. 石油的商业储备作为国家能源储备重要和有益的补充,除保障能源安全外,还有着巨大的市场影响力。

    As an important reserve and beneficial supplement of the country , the commercial reserve of oil possesses giant market influence in addition to insurance of energy resources safety .

  10. 以家庭养老为主,土地养老为补充的养老保障一直是我国农村的传统养老保障模式,其基本地位根深蒂固。

    Take the family retirement primarily , the land retirement as the supplement retirement safeguard has been our countryside traditional retirement safeguard pattern , its basic status is ingrained .

  11. 沉默权与传统任意性法则已趋于融合,两者互相补充,进一步保障了陈述自由,这也使口供任意性的判断由实质判断趋向形式判断,口供排除规则由裁量排除发展到自动排除。

    This also causes the arbitrary judgment to tend from the substantive judgment to formal judgment , and the oral-confession exclusive rules have developed from discretionary exclusion to automatic exclusion .

  12. 同时,大力提倡宗族救助和民间义行,作为国家救助的有效补充。社会保障管理人性化探究&以社会救助为分析视角

    In the meantime , the government of Han Dynasty makes strenuous efforts to promote clan assistance and folk kindness , as effective supplement of national assistance . Explore to Humanization Management of Social Security & Take Social Assistance as the Analytic Perspective

  13. 土地复垦为补充耕地、保障发展做出了重大贡献,然而,现阶段采矿前、中、后期未能充分考虑生物多样性保护方面,导致复垦后土地生态环境效益没有充分体现。

    Land reclamation has made a significant contribution to adding cultivated lands and protecting the development , however , biodiversity conservation has not been taken into account in the entire process of mining at present , so that eco-environmental benefits after the land reclamation has not been adequately reflected .

  14. 他补充说,社会保障系统将继续正常工作。

    He adds that the system of social support will continue to work normally .

  15. 我国企业年金是具有补充性质的养老保障金,是养老保障的一个重要支柱。

    Occupational pension is complementary pensions in China and an important pillar of pension system .

  16. 它的产生和发展有力地补充了社会的保障基金,弥补了国民财政投入的不足。

    Its origin and development powerfully compensate the social warfare funds , and make up the shortage input of government finance .

  17. 美国补充型的社会保障制度模式在发达国家中属于保障水平比较低的,比较适合中国的国情。

    In addition , American social security has lower level than that of Europe developed countries . The model of social security system of USA is more suitable for china .

  18. 企业年金已经发展成为社会养老保险体系的主要支柱,建立企业年金可以使员工在退休后除有基本生活保障外还有补充性的养老保障,有利于提高职工退休后的生活水平。

    Occupational pension has become main pillar of endowment insurance system , the establishment of occupational pension can make workers get additional insurance besides basic insurance , which can improve their living standard after retirement .

  19. 新华社报道说,由于虐童事件的增多,中国教育部6月提议在全国禁止体罚学生,并补充说,应该保障学生的各种权利不受到非法侵害,杜绝限制学生人身自由的行为。

    An increase in the number of violent incidents against school children prompted China 's Ministry of Education in June to propose a national ban against corporal punishment , Xinhua said , adding that the proposal should guarantee students ' rights and avoid restrictions on personal freedom .

  20. 当前农村教师的福利待遇政策还是不能为农村优秀师资稳定与补充提供强有力的保障。与此同时,农村教师在条件艰苦的地方勤勤恳恳工作、无私奉献,为农村教育事业发展贡献着自己的力量。

    The current rural teachers welfare policy is not for rural excellent teachers stability and added with powerful security mechanism . Meanwhile , in the hard conditions of teachers in rural areas where work earnestly , selfless dedication for the rural education development , their contribution strength .

  21. 为此,作者建议适当调整我国职务发明创造的适用范围,并建立权利申报的补充制度,充分保障发明人的利益,以激励创新,促进经济增长。

    For these reasons , the author proposes that the application of the service invention should be adjusted to some degree and the supplementary system of rights declaration should be established . We should fully protect the interest of the inventor in order to encourage innovation and promote economic growth .