
  1. 下周,国会表决法案,这将会给予工作的女性她们需要的工具来要求同工同酬。

    Next week , there 's a vote in Congress on a bill that would give working women the tools they need to demand equal pay for equal work .

  2. 美国参议院定于周二投票表决的法案,将对美国从汇率操纵国的进口开征关税。在此之际,中国表示,此类举动的后果可能是严重的,甚至会引发一场贸易战。

    With the Senate set to vote on Tuesday on legislation that would impose tariffs on imports from countries that manipulated their exchange rates , China says the consequences of such a move could be dire , leading to a trade war .

  3. 在曼哈顿,同性恋权益人士聚集在酒吧和餐厅,观看表决过程,庆祝法案获得通过。

    In Manhattan , gay rights advocates gathered at bars and restaurants to watch the vote and celebrate its passage .