
biǎo chǔ lǐ
  • Table processing;list processing
表处理[biǎo chǔ lǐ]
  1. 一些实用TurboProlog表处理谓词及其实现

    Some More Practical Turbo PROLOG List Processing Predicates & Their Realization

  2. 一种基于表处理的知识内部表示及TurboProlog实现

    An internal knowledge expression based on list processing and its realization in Turbo Prolog

  3. 元素构成xml文档的主体,创建可以使用程序或样式表处理的结构。

    Elements form the backbone of XML documents , creating structures you can manipulate with programs or style sheets .

  4. 最后,视图支持使XML应用程序可以检查原始的和经过样式表处理过的这两种形式的文档。

    Finally , view support allows an XML application to examine a document in both original and stylesheet rendered forms .

  5. 这就确保样式表处理任何给定格式的XML,而非特定的实例文档。

    This ensures that your stylesheet works with any XML in a given format , rather than one specific instance document .

  6. 用TurboProlog进行表处理

    List Processing by Using Turbo-Prolog

  7. 虽然理论上听起来蛮好(可以用一个样式表处理许多XML词汇,这是可能的),但经验表明这种方法不象我预想的那样方便。

    While theoretically sound ( it is possible to process many XML vocabularies with a single style sheet ), experience showed that this approach is not as convenient as I had expected .

  8. 大多数词汇表处理的事情类似于Google在其RichSnippets中侧重的重点:人物、地点、事件、娱乐和商业。

    Most of the vocabulary deals with the kinds of things Google already focused on for its Rich Snippets : people , places , events , entertainment , and commerce .

  9. 甚至可以使用另一个XSLT样式表处理从数据库查询获得的信息,并将信息转换为HTML页面。

    Furthermore , you can even use another XSLT stylesheet to process the information retrieved from the database query and transform it into an HTML page to present to a specific user .

  10. 本文用Prolog逻辑程序设计语言的表处理技术实现了框架系统,设计出一个基于框架的可自定义并可多途径自行维护的知识库管理系统。

    This paper creates a frame system by using list processing of logic programming language Prolog , and designs a frame-based knowledge base management system which can be self-defined and self-maintained in many ways .

  11. 介绍了一种利用DTS工具将其它格式的数据库文件导入到SqlServer数据库中,使用T&SQL编程对数据表处理,最后通过ASP编程实现课表数据网上发布的方法。

    This paper presents a method of changing the data format from other database into SQL Server 2000 with SQL Server 's DTS tool , the datasheets are processed with T_SQL and the distribution of timetable on Internet is realized with ASP programming .

  12. 您可以在XUL中改变UI元素的位置,但是大多数情况下,窗口外观的具体细节最好交于样式表处理。

    You can do some manipulation of positioning of UI elements in XUL , but for the most part the fine details of how a window looks are a matter of style that is better left to a stylesheet .

  13. 在铁路航测制图中,利用AUTOLISP(VLISP)表处理语言进行二次开发可以将许多繁琐、易出错的工作简单化、程序化。

    The development using the language of AUTOLISP ( VLISP ) can make lots of multifarious and fallible work simplified and programmed in the Aerophotography and mapping of railway .

  14. 自泳漆工艺在客车表处理上的升级使用

    Upgraded use of self-electrophoretic paint technology on bus surface treatment

  15. 粗糙集理论及其对信息表处理中的若干问题研究

    Study on Rough Set Theory and Its Application in Information Table Processing

  16. 关于SAC/2的表处理系统

    The List Processing System of SAC / 2

  17. 要合并的分区都必须用索引视图或表处理

    Partitions to be merged must both be processed with either indexed views or tables

  18. 微表处理摊铺机液压系统分析与研究

    Study of Hydraulic System of Micro-surfacing Spreader

  19. 对许多成熟的领域如符号表处理则建构成可再利用的元件。

    The mature domains such as symbol table handling can be constructed as reusable components .

  20. 您还可以将这些章节包括到书并使用样式表处理它们。

    You can then include the chapters in a book and use stylesheets to process them .

  21. 然后在转换时,装饰树开始进入角色以驱动样式表处理。

    The decorated tree then comes into play at transformation time to drive the style sheet processing .

  22. 表处理中的一种文档,包含和格式文档一起归并的变量信息。

    In list processing , the document which contains the variable information to be merged with the form document .

  23. 系统由命令编制、简况表处理、车辆动态管理、分界口处理四个子系统构成。

    The system is composed of four sub-systems of setting up order , brief table processing , car dynamic management , and interface treatment .

  24. 用软硬结合的方法克服高速流水线的障碍&条件运算和顺序下标表处理


  25. 增加了系统初始化设置、比例计算、图纸幅面、绘图比例、线型设置、标题栏处理、明细表处理、符号标注、标准件图库等函数库。

    As well as the functions of system initial , calculating by ratio , drawing size and ratio , line type selection , title and symbol processing were provided .

  26. 在比较目前存在的几种空间数据编辑方法的基础上,本文提出了一种新的处理方法辅助表处理方法,同时对单记录加锁策略进行了改进规定时间间隔提交编辑结果。

    This paper gives a new spatial data editing method , assistant table method . Also it improves single-record locking method , gives a time limitation of committing the editing result .

  27. 时间触发机制按时序表处理传输操作、时钟同步、基循环间时隙、时间主控器建立等任务。

    All tasks are performed with the time-triggered mechanism according to the time schedule , such as transmission and clock synchronization , time clearance between basis cycles and setting up time master etc.

  28. 比方说,如果词汇表处理的是发货单,那么可以预料其中会包含发送方、接收方、日期、产品类别、产品标识、单价和总价。

    For example , if the vocabulary deals with invoices , you should expect it contains elements for sender , recipient , date , product lines , product identification , price , and total .

  29. 这个软件实现了月坛视界网站电子交易的核心功能&买入委托、卖出委托之间的实时撮合、交易功能,也实现了交易所开盘、收盘的数据库相关表处理功能。

    This procedure not only has realized the key function of the electronic trade of website of " Yue Tan Shi Jie " but also has realized that the database relevant tables operate during opening and closing trade .

  30. 结构索引和倒排表在处理XML文档查询时,有不足之处。

    There have both deficiency for structure index and inverted lists during query XML documents .