
  • 网络Surface water;surfac water
  1. 63%的站位底层水NP含量高于表层水,这与底层水中悬浮物含量较高及沉积物中NP向底层水的释放有关。

    NP in bottom water has exceeded that in surface water in 63 % of the investigated stations due to high content of suspended solids and the release from sediments .

  2. 1999年8月4日采集了大亚湾次表层水、悬浮颗粒物和表层沉积物并用气相色谱(电子捕集检测器)分析了其中12个多氯联苯(PCBs)和18个有机氯农药样品。

    Samples at sub surface water , suspended particulate matter ( SPM ) and surface sediment collected from Daya Bay in Aug.4 , 1999 have been analysed for 12 polychlorinated biphenyl ( PCB ) congeners and 18 organochlorine insecticides , using gas chromatography with electron capture detection .

  3. 闽浙沿岸水、次表层水和中深层水的N/P比值大于15;

    N / P ratio in the Fujian-Zhejiang coastal water , the subsurface water and the mid-water were higher than 15 ;

  4. 长江口春季表层水的pCO2分布存在着较大的不均匀性,低盐的长江淡水区生物活动应是低盐区表层pCO2分布的主要影响因素。

    The pCO_2 distribution in lower salinity region was mainly influenced by the biological activities at the side of freshwater in Yangtze estuary .

  5. 50m以下的深底层水主要由台湾东北黑潮的次表层水入侵陆架生成。

    The deep layer water below 50m is mainly formed by the intrusion of the sub-surface water of the Kuroshio northeast of Taiwan onto the continental shelf .

  6. 黑潮区表层水CO2分压较低,无明显的季节性变化。利用通量模式,估算了大气输入东海海域的CO2通量为45.1g/(m2·a)。

    The net CO2 flux in the East China Sea was estimated by using flux model and the annual CO2 flux from atmosphere into sea water was about 45 . 1 g / ( m2 . a ) .

  7. 主要表现为:底层水氨氮,TRP(总反应态磷)和SRP(溶解反应态磷)的含量明显高于表层水;

    The ammonium nitrogen , total reactive phosphorus ( TRP ) and soluble reactive phosphorus ( SRP ) in the bottom water were greater than those in the surface ;

  8. 末次冰期时,表层水(0~50m)与次表层水(50~100m)间碳、氧同位素递减梯度较全新世的为小。

    Oxygen and carbon isotopic gradients between surface ( 0 ~ 50 m ) and subsurface ( 50 ~ 100 m ) waters during the last glacial stage were smaller than those in the Holocene .

  9. 在盛夏高温季节,水流滞缓的小河流表层水和底层水的氮磷指标存在明显分异:底层水NH4~+,水溶态磷和总反应态磷(TRP)含量高于表层水;

    At the height of the summer , the surface and bottom water of the creeks differed in N and P loadings . NH4 + , soluble P and total reactive P in the bottom water were higher than those in the surface ;

  10. 表层水游离态的细菌的βGlcA,在整个海区的分布特征与该水层的总βGlcA分布特征相似。

    In the surface water , the distribution character of a single bacterial β GlcA is similar with that of the total β GlcA in the whole sea area .

  11. 东、黄海海域春、秋季表层水N/P、Si/N和Si/P值(除秋季黄海北部局部水域N/P值小于10外)均远高于Redfield比值。

    The ratios of N / P , Si / N and Si / P in the surface water were much higher than Redfield ratios in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea except for the northwest part of the Yellow Sea .

  12. 陆地表层水贮量变化对海平面上升贡献的综合评估

    Assessment on contributions of land water storage to sea level rise

  13. 东海表层水二氧化碳及其海气通量

    Carbon dioxide in surface water and its flux in East China Sea

  14. 结果表明,粉煤灰能有效地去除湖泊表层水和间隙水中的磷酸酶。

    The enzyme can be removed by fly ash effectively .

  15. 具有丰富有机质来源的高生产力表层水是黑色页岩中富有机碳沉积物形成与埋藏的先期条件。

    High surface water productivity is of paramount importance in organic matter deposition .

  16. 呼啸而过的大风将表层水吹成水雾。

    The roaring wind whips up the surface of the water into spray .

  17. 南海东北部海域次表层水与中层水之流径

    On the trajectory of subsurface and intermediate waters in the northeastern South China Sea

  18. 本研究以洋河水库和密云水库的表层水作为实验材料,分别在两地连续采集水样。

    Five surface water samples were collected continuously in the two Reservoirs , respectively .

  19. 上涌的水流携带大量营养元素至表层水

    upwelling currents carry nutrients to the surface .

  20. 梁子湖表层水氮的季节变化与沉积物氮释放初步研究

    Seasonal Dynamics of Nitrogen in Water and Release of Nitrogen from Sediment in Liangzi Lake

  21. 春夏季季风转换期南海南部的异常表层水

    Anomalous sea surface water in southern South China Sea during spring to summer monsoon transition

  22. 不要以任何方式穿过沙漠里的水坑和泥坑,或搅动表层水。

    Don 't walk through desert puddles , mud holes , or disturb surface water in any way .

  23. 太平洋表层水某些生物海洋学要素和颗粒谱的分布规律研究

    The distribution pattern of some biological elements and the particle spectra in the surface water of the Pacific Ocean

  24. 两个星体都蕴藏着大量的表层水,厚厚的大气层,而且气候比现在温和。

    Both planets harboured vast quantities of surface water , thick atmospheres , and climates warmer than at present .

  25. 1992/1993南极夏季长城湾表层水营养盐的月变化特征

    Monthly changes of nutrients in surface water of great wall bay , Antarctica in austral summer , 1992 / 1993

  26. 秸秆填埋对水稻土表层水三氮动态的影响

    Effect of Straw Return with Landfill on Nitrogen Dynamics in Surface Water of Paddy Soil : An Outdoor Pot Experiment

  27. 黑潮次表层水的涌升过程稀释了陆架边缘底层水中的甲烷。

    The upwelled process of the Kuroshio subsurface water dilutes the methane concentration in the bottom water on the shelf .

  28. 除表层水受光抑制影响使其生产力相对较低外,初级生产力随水深的增加而降低;

    Primary production basically decreases with the increase of water depth with an exception at surface layer water due to photoinhibition .

  29. 事实上,有很多海洋植物生存下来了,在表层水里茁壮成长,不断繁殖。

    In fact , there are a lot of marine plants that survive , that grow and reproduce in surface waters .

  30. 文昌组浮游藻类相对丰度高,表明始新世珠江口古湖的表层水初始生产力高。

    The high relative abundance of the fossil planktonic algae indicates the high primary surface productivity of the palaeo-lake within the Oligocene .