
  • 网络Density;Apparent density;bulk density;appearance density
  1. 研究了低发泡聚苯乙烯(PS)熔体的流变特性及其制品的表观密度和泡孔结构。

    The rheological behavior , apparent density and pore structure of low foaming PS were studied in this paper .

  2. 阐述了高表观密度和适中吸油率PVC树脂在化学建材业的使用效果。

    The application status of PVC resin with high apparent density and moderate oil-absorption rate in chemical building materials industry was introduced .

  3. 形态学研究表明:不同分子烙印聚合物具有不同的表观密度、溶胀率、热稳定性以及表面形态与表面结构;而且聚合物中具有不同含量游离羧基,其中优化聚合物P1中的游离羧基相对较多;

    The study on morphology shows , different MIPs have different apparent dry density , swelling , thermo-stability and external modality and structure ;

  4. PVC表观密度、老化白度对物料流变性能的影响

    Influences of the apparent density and aging whiteness of PVC on the rheological properties of materials

  5. 随着分散剂用量的增加,PVC干混料表观密度增大;熔体流动速率降低;

    With the increase of dispersing agent content , apparent density and hardness increased , melting flow index decreased .

  6. 综述了高表观密度聚氯乙烯(PVC)建材专用树脂的主要聚合工艺,并给出了若干聚合配方实例。

    In this paper , main polymerization technology of high bulk density PVC resin was reviewed , then some polymerization recipes were given .

  7. 随松质骨表观密度的增大,BSC增大。

    And BSC also increases with increase of apparent density of the cancellous bone .

  8. 经对比研究同浓度同时间,使用氯化铝作凝聚剂,所得的AIM粉料的表观密度大,有利于工业生产。

    The comparative study of the same concentration at the same time , using aluminum chloride as do cohesion , AIM received the apparent powder density is conducive to industrial production .

  9. 最后实验分析了BSC与松质骨表观密度的关系。

    Finally , the relationship between BSC and apparent density of cancellous bone was investigated experimentally .

  10. 采用P-24复合分散剂提高PVC树脂的表观密度

    Adopting P-24 complex dispersant to improve the apparent density of PVC resin

  11. 在合成高表观密度PVC树脂时,调节适当的搅拌强度、采用中途加料工艺、加入抗静电剂等措施,也可改善PVC树脂的颗粒特性,提高表观密度。

    To prepare high bulk PVC , other methods such as adjusting agitation , adding suspending agents in the process of polymerization and adding anti-static agent were used .

  12. 高表观密度PVC树脂是目前研制大口径管材专用树脂的主流方向,球形PVC树脂并未大规模生产;

    PVC resin with high bulk density is the main direction for producing the special PVC for pipe with great diameter , spherical PVC hasn 't ever been produced wholesale .

  13. 研究了复杂体系中溶胶-凝胶转变过程,得到了pH值、含水量对胶凝时间、孔隙率、表观密度、比表面积的影响。

    The transition process from sol to gel was studied , and the influences of pH , water content of the original solution on gelation time , porosity , apparent density and suface area were examined .

  14. 本文首次通过FTIR和扫描电镜等手段研究了振磨作用对聚氯乙烯(PVC)颗粒尺寸、微晶结构、表观密度和增塑剂吸收量的影响。

    The effect of vibro-milling on particle size , crystalline structure , optical density and the plasticizer absorption of PVC were studied through FTIR , SEM and physical property tests .

  15. 1000℃下炭化后炭制品的表观密度最高达1.75g/cm3。

    The apparent density of carbon products carbonized at 1000 ℃ could be to 1 . 75g / cm ° .

  16. 建立了MUF泡沫表观密度–力学性能模型,结果表明MUF泡沫力学性能与密度之间具有良好的指数关系。

    The results showed that there existed an exponential relation between mechanical properties and apparent density of MUF foam .

  17. 当AC含量为2份,ZnO/Zn(St)2含量为0.2份时,PP发泡材料的表观密度最小,电镜照出的泡孔均匀细密。

    When AC content was 2 phr , ZnO / Zn ( St ) 2 content was 0.2 phr , the apparent density of the foam material reached the minimum , and the cells were uniformly fine using electron microscopy .

  18. 随着聚合转化率和投料组成中VDC含量的增加,共聚树脂的表观密度增大、而吸油率降低。

    The bulk density of VDC-VC copolymer increased , and the plasticiser absorption decreased , with the increase of conversion and VDC feeding concentration .

  19. 考察了丙烯预聚、预络合对N催化剂聚合性能的影响,结果表明:预络合有助于提高催化剂的聚合活性以及聚合物的表观密度,提高催化剂的抗杂质干扰能力;

    The paper studied the effect of the pre-treatment on the polymerization performance of N catalyst . The result shows that pre-compounding benefits raising polymerization activity of the catalyst and bulk density of the polypropylene ( PP ) product and strengthening the resistance to impurity of the catalyst .

  20. 结果表明,与PVC相比,PVC/纳米CaCO3复合树脂的热稳定性、增塑剂吸收量及表观密度等有所提高;

    The properties of PVC / nano-CaCO_3 were studied . The results reveal that compared with pure PVC , the composite resin has a given increment in its thermostability , absorption ratio for plasticizing agent and apparent density .

  21. 吸附实验表明:乙醇/CO2复合发泡剂在PS中的溶解度明显高于单纯CO2在PS中的溶解度,能显著降低PS发泡制品的表观密度,所获得发泡样品的表观密度最小为0.042g/cm3。

    Adsorption experiments showed that : ethanol / CO2 blowing agent solubility in the PS was significantly higher than the solubility of CO2 . The apparent density of PS foam can significantly reduce , we obtained a minimum apparent density is 0.042g/cm3 .

  22. 收集、剖析了国内外部分厂家的高表观密度、球形PVC树脂样品和标准,发现质量优良的大口径管材专用树脂颗粒一般呈规整的棉桃形,颗粒分布集中,细粒很少,颗粒内部闭孔少。

    Some PVC samples and standards of domestic and international companies have been collected and analyzed , it was found that pipe grade PVC with excellent quality often show plump-like particle shape , narrow particle-size distribution , few fine particles and few closed sell inside particles .

  23. 在2.5万t/aPVC生产装置上实现了纳米碳酸钙与VCM的原位聚合,生产出的PVC树脂的表观密度为0.57~0.61g/mL,增塑剂吸收量为19.0%~25.6%。

    The in-situ polymerization of nano-calcium carbonate with VCM was accomplished in the 25 kt / a PVC facilities and the obtained PVC resin had apparent density 0.57 ~ 0.61 g / mL , absorption of plasticizers 19.0 % ~ 25.6 % .

  24. 探讨了发泡剂、交联剂、促进剂以及LLDPE与低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)的配比对高发泡塑料的表观密度、回弹率、压缩永久变形和压缩强度的影响。

    The influence of foaming agent , accelerating agent , and the ratio of LLDPE / LDPE on the apparent density , the ratio of bounce , the compression deformation and the strength of foam were studied in detail .

  25. 结果表明,加入SAE使水泥砂浆的表观密度降低,吸水率下降,并且明显延缓了水泥的凝结时间及水化速度。

    The results show that the SAE copolymer emulsion not only reduce the apparent density and absorb water rate of cement mortar , but significantly retard the setting and the hydration of portland cement .

  26. 结果表明:挤压料配比为62.5%-72.5%、挤压力为6-9.5MPa时,挤压蜂窝的表观密度为0.87-0.95g/cm3;

    The extruded honeycomb 's apparent density was 0 . 87-0 . 95 g / cm3 while extrusion pressure and composition of powder mixture were 6-9 . 5 MPa and 0 . 625-0 . 725 respectively .

  27. 经TIP100和20mg/kg·d-1治疗7个月后,胫骨表观密度增加7.5%和7.1%,灰密度增加9.6%和4.6%;

    The apparent density and ash density of tibia in TIP 100 group were increased by 7.5 % and 9.6 % than OVX group , while by 7.1 % and 4.6 % in TIP 20 group .

  28. 通过测定表观密度ρ,讨论了云母含量xm对以天然碎云母和回收废玻璃为主要原料的云母玻璃复合体性能的影响;借助于SEM观察对xm与ρ之间的复杂关系进行了分析。

    The effects of mica content on the properties of mica glass composite materials fabricated from recycled soda lime glass powders and natural mica powders were studied by the measurement of bulk density and the complex relationship of the bulk density with mica content were analyzed by SEM .

  29. 研究表明,PVF填料适宜的活性炭含量是8%,表观密度0.85g/cm3,孔隙率60%,具有一定的强度,可以很好抵御水力冲刷。

    The results showed that the suitable AC content of PN-filler was 8 % ; PVF filler had apparent density of 0.85g/cm3 and porosity of 6 % ; it possessed a certain strength and better hydraulic flushing resistance .

  30. Wolff定律指出:骨能够响应力学激励来改变其表观密度和骨小梁分布的方向,表明骨再造是各项异性行为。

    Wolff 's law states that Bone tissue changes apparent density and trabecular orientation in response to mechanics stimulus , that means bone remodelling is anisotropic behavior . The purpose of this paper is to present an anisotropic bone remodeling self-organizational control model .