
  1. 衰退企业CEO变革的理论假说与实证检验

    Assumption of CEO Change in Declining Firms and Its Empirical Tests

  2. 衰退企业中的人力资本不愿意离开。

    Human capital in declining firms doesn 't want to leave .

  3. 衰退矿区企业产业调整风险研究

    Study of Industry Adjustment Risks of Declining Mining Area Enterprises

  4. 什么是经济衰退的企业路线呢?

    What is the corporate route out of recession ?

  5. 2008-2009年经济衰退迫使企业“少花钱多办事”,这种对效率的追求当然也推动了这种态度上的转变。

    I the do-more-with-less efficiencies forced by the 2008-2009 economic downturn certainly helped to cement this attitude shift .

  6. 破坏那部分很容易理解:经济衰退让企业倒闭,大街上剩下的那些用木板钉牢的窗户就如同他们的墓碑。

    The destruction part is easy to see : downturns kill businesses , leaving boarded-up windows on the high street as their gravestones .

  7. 2009年经济将出现严重衰退,企业的收益和股息都将不断下降,而且,目前还没有把可能发生的所有令人失望的因素都计算在内。

    It is going to be a year of deep recession , when earnings and dividends are falling , and not all the likely disappointments are currently factored in .

  8. 国际金融市场动荡、国内经济衰退以及企业信贷日渐枯竭,促使该调查的大型制造商总体信心指数降至负24,接近7年来的低点。

    International financial turmoil , domestic recession and a drying up of corporate credit left the Tankan 's headline index for the mood of large manufacturers at minus 24 , almost a seven-year low .

  9. 主要表现为处于衰退期企业的周边绩效要明显高于成长期和成熟期的企业,而创业精神、任务绩效没有明显的差异。

    The contextual performance of the enterprises during the depression period was higher than that of those enterprises in their growth and maturity periods , while entrepreneurship and task performance showed no close relationship .

  10. 由于信贷市场动荡将继续冲击股市,加之投资者担心英美经济衰退和企业调低盈利预测,今年上半年将十分艰难。

    The first half of the year will be challenging , as equities continue to be hit by credit market ructions , fears of recession in the US and UK and downward revisions to earnings forecasts .

  11. 在金融危机影响下,世界经济衰退,企业和金融机构倒闭大量发生,这使得商业银行业信用风险不断加大。

    Under the influence of the financial crisis , global economic has declined , and the collapse of a large number of enterprises and financial institutions has taken place , which makes commercial banking credit risk increases continuously .

  12. 世界性经济衰退是企业在当前面临的最大风险,如何能够在经济衰退中生存下去?通过期货市场规避风险,可以帮助企业顺利的渡过经济危机。

    Enterprises in the global economic recession is the biggest risk currently facing , how to survive in the recession ? It is only through the futures market to avoid risks , companies can ride out the economic crisis .

  13. 因经济衰退,许多企业纷纷倒闭。

    Many businesses have closed down because of the recession .

  14. 然后,通过MATLAB软件仿真实验得到了保税港区元胞空间内核心企业和中小型企业的分布图以及保税港区内所有企业、处于生长和衰退状态的企业随时间的数量变化曲线。

    Matlab 7.1 software is applied to carry out simulation . Finally , cellular distribution map of core-enterprises and middle-small enterprises and variations curves of number of total enterprises , enterprises in growth state , entering state and declining state with time are obtained .

  15. 最后,正如哥伦比亚大学爱德蒙菲尔普斯教授(edmundphelps)所言,在经济衰退期间,企业首先要削减的就是研发等领域的投资。

    Finally , as Professor Edmund Phelps of Columbia University argues , the first thing companies cut in the recession was investment in areas such as research and development .

  16. 马萨诸塞州大型研究机构国际数据公司(IDC)的雷•伯格斯(RayBoggs)说,2001年衰退期间,企业的电子通勤族数量小幅下降,之后回升,不过2009年又从2006年的920万人减少至870万人。

    The number of corporate telecommuters edged lower in the 2001 recession , then recovered , only to decline to 8.7 million in 2009 from 9.2 million in 2006 , says Ray Boggs of IDC , a Framingham , Mass . , research concern .

  17. 产业创新是衰退产业中企业的生存选择。

    Industrial innovation is the strategic choice for enterprise to surviving .

  18. 文章首先分析了衰退产业中企业创新的目标层次;

    Firstly , the paper analyses objects of the innovation .

  19. 衰退产业中企业创新的方向与路径

    Directions and Paths for Firm Innovation Under the Declining Industry

  20. 经济衰退导致大批企业破产。

    The recession led to a flood of bankruptcies .

  21. 产业衰退期中企业退出的博弈模型分析

    Game Model Analysis of Corporation Withdrawal Strategy in the Period of Industry Recession

  22. 处于衰退期的企业,应该实行战略创新,合理选择退出战略。

    Enterprises hi decline stage of industries should innovate actively or choose to withdraw strategy rationally .

  23. 衰退产业的企业创新战略探讨

    Strategic Innovation in Declining Industries

  24. 在二战后出现的这次时间最长的经济衰退中,企业都在纷纷裁员。

    Businesses have been cutting jobs amid the longest recession in the post World War II era .

  25. 去年下半年,随着经济衰退加深,企业纷纷大幅降价,以清除存货。

    As the economic recession deepened in the second half of last year companies slashed prices to clear stocks .

  26. 去年,由于经济衰退,日本企业没有从中国购买足够的稀土。

    Last year , due to the economic depression Japanese companies didn 't buy enough amounts of rare earths from China .

  27. 衰退中,企业可加速机构变革,抢占竞争对手的市场份额,以低成本获取资源,智胜竞争对手。

    In a recession , companies can accelerate organisational change , take share from rivals , acquire resources cheaply and outmanoeuvre rivals .

  28. 不过,顾问们缺乏在经济衰退时期帮助企业展开援救性增发的经验。

    There is a lack of experience , though , among advisers in taking companies through rescue rights issues during a recession .

  29. 最近的经济衰退更使企业主深谙企业财务变得无比重要。

    The recent economic downturn has made it more important than ever for business owners to have a good working knowledge of their companies'finances .

  30. 在经济衰退时期初创企业通常需要增加一笔额外的资金注入,然而在这个时候投资者却不太愿意进行投资。

    Startups generally need to raise some amount of external funding , and investors tend to be less willing to invest in bad times .