
wà tào
  • socks;ankle socks
袜套 [wà tào]
  • [ankle socks] 短筒的或没有筒的袜子

袜套[wà tào]
  1. 35岁的洛普在她的网站上告诉歌迷们她的Kitty收藏品不断增加,其中包括袜套和华夫饼干机。她上一部专辑取名为“你好,莉萨”,封面上还贴着可爱的Kitty。

    Loeb , 35 , who tells fans on her website that her growing Kitty collection includes leg warmers and a waffle maker , titled her last album " Hello Lisa " and plastered the cute cat on the cover .

  2. 白色暖腿袜套运动鞋还有一件佛罗里达羊毛衫

    white leg warmers and sneakers and a Florida sweater

  3. 如果袜套能够卷土重来,那么我们祖先那种环保的生活方式也可以。

    If leg warmers could make a comeback , then so can the eco-friendly ways of our forefathers .

  4. 方法:经手法复位,夹板固定,袜套悬吊牵引,按骨折3期辨证治疗。

    Methods : Diaplasis by technique and splint , traction with hose , according to cure of three phases .

  5. 假牙、眼镜、助听器请在安全演示结束后摘下,并放在袜套或外衣口袋中。

    After safety demonstration please remove glasses , dentures , hearing-aid , and put them in your sock or pocket .

  6. 预防组在常规护理基础上增加瘫痪肢体被动运动,肌肉按摩,加穿弹性压力袜套等预防性护理方法。

    The patients in preventive nursing group were subjected to passive exercise and massage of disabled legs for 15 min , 4 times every day , and then the legs were put on elastic socks to prevent DVT .
